
Chapt 27: The Choice

Abby remembered the meeting with Ashton, then the unexpected incident where Zac suddenly showed up at her residence, and how he expressed his feelings and the confusion of being in a relationship with Sidney, making her feel crazy.

Was Zac feeling frantic? Or was it just a pretense to give him a chance? But weren't the words of a drunk person the deepest expression of the heart?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

One sure thing was that Abby would not give her heart to just any man. Although Zac was also not a random man, what his father had done would indeed never be forgiven.

Then what about Ashton? Should she give him a chance? What if, after getting a chance, the man just left again?

Abby took a breath and then let it out all at once, releasing the burden plaguing her mind for some time. She intended to go outside for fresh air and a cup of coffee.

However, before she could get up, she was surprised by the arrival of a man she did not expect at th
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