
Chapter 45.



"How was the interviewing?" Gloria asked as Christiana entered the office with Eli walking next to her.

They both had gone out to talk to a few witnesses in other to collate information on a young girl who had been going to see a man everyday after school for a whole year and the man would touch her sexually then buy her snacks, give her money and just make her good about herself.

"Fine." Christiana answered simply sitting on her desk. They had been treating her different and she really didn't give a flying fuck as long as they respected themselves there wouldn't be any problem.

"Sorry we didn't invite you to the trip at Erin Ijesha Waterfall. We just thought since you are dating a whole millionaire, why would you go to common Erin Ijesha." Gloria said again trying to get a reaction out of her and Christiana scrunched her face then looked at through her side eye.

"Okay." Christiana simply said. If she wanted to go to Erin Ijesha Waterfall, she could g
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