


I stared blankly into space sitting out in the garden sad and destabilized.

The last thing I expected was to return and find that Reign has left.

She check up on me for goodness sake! Was that when she was leaving?

Or did she already leave before then?

I had so many questions that made me blame myself more but as you already know I got no better answer than silence and cold empty stares from the leaves around.

Maybe I should have never left, I was so selfish I had only thought about myself and my feelings that I acted on impulse without thinking now my Luna, friend and sister was gone.

If the tears just fell down my cheeks maybe my heart would have felt lighter since there was a channel for me to express the ugly emotions I felt but No! the tears rather burned the insides of my throat and stung my glands painfully blurring my vision without falling.

"Don't think about it too much." I jumped at the sound of a masculine voice.

I relaxed when I noticed it was Nirson. I had tried m
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