
Fifty three


Bianca's POV

Ever since Kira had been crowned as the Luna of her pack, I felt so happy for her. She deserved all of the good things happening to her. And her mate being Aiden, I kind of pity her because Camille isn't going to let her off the hook. She is going to do everything to get Aiden to be with her.

And now that Gracie is on her full side. They would try to ruin their relationship. I have been a fan of Kira. I am transferring to her school to see to it that they don't ruin her relationship with Aiden. Kira and Aiden are meant to be together.

My stomach rumbled out loud and I began to rummage through the drawer to see if I could get a snack to eat. I picked up my phone and ordered pizza. I would just eat it with the wine in the fridge.

I got up from my dressing chair and stretched.

I want to take my early morning bath.

It was then I heard my name being called by mom downstairs. Why was she calling? I needed to have my pretty bath. I dragged my feet to the door and opened
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