

Smiles sure she is hallucinating, maybe because she's gone through a lot lately.

She watched the lady take gentle strides toward her, she could hear her heartbeats, and her senses were alert.

It can't be that I am dead right? She thought, trying so hard not to scream.

"Smiles, it's me, Fiona!" The lady said, reaching out to her.

Smiles pull away, taking the edge of the bed." I can't die now, lord save me" she silently cries hoping someone will come to save her.

But no one came, she was left to faint for herself. To fight alone. Even if she wanted to die, she couldn't. She can't let her baby die without experiencing life, she can't leave her baby behind just like her mom did only for her to end up suffering.

"Stay away from me, you are dead" Smiles warns, pushing herself to the wall.

"No, I'm not! Hear me out, please!" Fiona begs, eyes teary.

"Don't come any closer, I will scream" Smiles warn, tone firm and decisive.

Hearing her, Fiona takes two steps behind. "Fine, I won't come close
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