


Light shimmers it's way through the curtains, lighting the room with hues of orange and yellow. Carefully I turn to face the clock on the bedside table and sigh out loud at what it reads.


It is only a few hours ago when Ramon and I finally went to bed. The only reason we did is because he finally got tired. My body aches, but somehow I manage to reach out to touch him. Instead of touching his warm body like I expect; I touch the ice cold space where his body was when I fell asleep last night.

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion and glance towards the bathroom but it's empty. He's not in there! The satisfaction I had before is replaced with disappointment. I never ask Ramon to stay with me; but shouldn't that just be a routine? Even if I am married to the man, waking up alone after a night like ours; still makes me feel like I'm only wanted for sex. No matter how much I know it isn't true- it still tends to get to me.

Sitting up in the bed, I look around at my surrou
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