
Just Friends


"There's our supermodel." Piper greeted playfully and I laughed, walking over to them.

She hugged me, followed by Nathan and Mia, who had spent the night over at Piper's house.

"This is Amelia, Eva, Ace, Jason, Milo and Jordan." She introduced, pointing to the others that were joining us and I smiled at them.

"I'm Rhee." I introduced myself to them and they laughed.

"Trust me, we know who you are." Amelia said with a laugh and Milo stared at me.

"Is Slater your boyfriend?" He asked and I laughed, shaking my head.

"We're just f-"

"Friends." Mia, Piper and Nathan all said sarcastically in sync before laughing as they looked at eachother.

"It's true!" I defended and Piper shook her head.

"I haven't met a single person that looks at me, the way he looks at you." She said, placing a chip into her mouth.

"And he's so protective over her," Mia joined with a smirk. "I stand outside everyday, waiting for my mafia man to finally come kidnap me and it hasn't happened yet."

Amelia choke
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