
Chapter Two

Shutting the office door behind her, Leah turned around and came face to face with her younger brother, Gabriel, leaning against the opposite wall. Tall, with broad shoulders and muscles on top of his muscles, Gabriel could be very intimidating when he chose to be, even more so than her father. But Leah knew that Gabriel was always there for her, and that even if she was in the wrong he would still have her back. They were very close. Leah considered Gabriel to be her best friend. 

She started walking down the long hall, away from her father's office, towards the stairs leading to the second floor of the house where her bedroom was located. Gabriel fell into step next to her, patiently waiting for Leah to begin talking.

Leah sighed. "So, I guess you heard all of that. Huh?"

Gabriel chuckled softly. "You mean the part where our father is basically pimping you out to our enemy, or the part where you and he almost came to blows?"

Leah rolled her eyes. "Yeah, all of that."

Gabriel wrapped his arm around Leah's shoulders and gave her a quick side hug. "You two have been butting heads since before I can remember. That's not going to change any time soon."

Leah shook her head. "Yeah, I know. But he can be so pigheaded sometimes. He won't even listen to what I want. I get that it's for the good of our clan, but why does it have to be me?"

Gabriel stopped walking and gently pulled Leah to a stop next to him. "Hey, it will all work out. I promise. Besides, you haven't even met the guy yet. He could actually be a good guy once you get to know him."

Leah raised one eyebrow at her brother. "He could also be a complete jerk who drinks and beats women. You never know."

Gabriel sighed. "That's true, but how will you know until you've at least spoken to him first. Give the guy a chance is all I'm saying."

Leah smirked. "You know, you could always mate with a Blackwell in my place."

Gabriel glanced away, but not before Leah saw the sad look in his grey eyes. "I had a mate once, you know that. When I lost Jenny, I thought I would end up following her soon after." He looked back at Leah and continued vehemently, "You have no idea what it took for me to finally get over her death and start living again. I can't go through that again. I won't!"

Leah blinked away the tears that sprang to her eyes. "Yeah, I remember. You weren't yourself for a long time." She took a deep breath, then released it. She smiled at Gabriel, though it did not reach her eyes. "Don't mind me. I'm being selfish. This is what is best for our clan. I will just do what I have to do. Like you said, it will all work out."

Gabriel gave Leah a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. You know I would do anything for you, but-"

"I know." Leah gave Gabriel a genuine smile this time. "Don't worry, you are still my favorite brother."

Gabriel chuckled. "And you will always be my favorite sister."

Leah punched Gabriel in the arm as hard as she could, not surprised when he just laughed harder. "Punk!" She grinned and rolled her eyes. "That joke is getting very old."

Gabriel mussed Leah's hair. "Awe, don't worry, sis. Our father's not that old. There is still the possibility of him having another daughter someday, and then you won't be my only sister anymore."

Leah glared at her brother. "Yeah, fat chance of that happening." She glanced beck towards their father's office. "I think dad feels pretty much the same way you do about re-mating." She looked back at Gabriel and sighed. "Listen, I'm going to take off for a while. I need some fresh air, okay?"

Gabriel stared back at Leah for a moment, as if searching for something, then finally nodded his head. "Yeah, okay. I guess I will catch you later. Don't forget about the clan meeting. I know you enjoy irritating our father, but try not to push your luck."

Leah laughed playfully. "What fun is that?!" She reached over and patted Gabriel on the chest. "Thanks for the talk, G-Man. I'll see you later."

Leah turned and walked away. She needed to decompress after the meeting she just had, and she knew the best place to do that. 

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