
Chapter 610

“All we are saying is give peace a chance. All we are saying is give peace a chance….” Emma’s arm sailed through the air and gave her alarm clock a good whack. Not a very peaceful reaction, but she’d work on that another day. At least she had remembered to change it from that infernal beeping to the radio alarm yesterday morning. Morning? Already? But, it was the last day of school, wasn’t it? Yes!

She stretched lazily like a cat, but felt like she’d overdone a workout. Every muscle in her body ached. A couple of aspirin would relieve that. Oh, right, she ran out of aspirin yesterday. Yesterday. Images slowly crept back into her mind. A grotesque face, walking on a balmy beach, a crypt, black chiffon, Hannah sleeping. Hannah!

She turned over in her bed to see an angelic face on the pillow next to hers, and let out a sigh of relief. She was already starting to stir. Her eyes fluttered a few times and then opened sparkling upon

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