
Chapter 710

Realizing she may have put herself at risk even though she had checked numerous times for anyone following her, Serena hastily packed up her belongings and made the arduous trek back to the trail’s beginning. She returned to her Jeep a different person though, a person maybe without all of the answers, but definitely more assured of what she wanted for herself. She had come to certain understandings about Raphael. She had decided that they did not have a future together, but she could forgive him his cowardice at not revealing Sirona as his wife. She had declared war on Sirona’s soul. She wasn’t sure how it was all going to turn out, but at least everyone knew where they stood. And she had a better knowledge of the possible motives behind Dr. Chappo’s obsession with her. Knowledge is power. I may not be a goddess, but I’m one strong-willed, pint-sized woman!


Wheezer watched as Serena emerged from the forest. He saw her look around ten

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