
70~Why did you forget some certain things?


‘You are no different from father, Hercules. You are the same.’

The words are like a chorus. Repeating themselves over and over again. To the point where I almost wish I was fucking deaf. To the point where I want to scream. Punch something. Kill something. rip someone apart. Yet the image of my sister saying those words is what hurts me more. She was afraid. Not the normal kind of fear that we have always had for our father, but horror.

Horror that I have never seen before.

My own sister was afraid of me. And she was looking at me like I had suddenly become that monster. The same monster that I dreaded all my life. The same person that I hated with every fiber of my being. Had I truly even come close to the man that he was? The monster that he was proud to be?

Yet i cannot be known as an Alpha who is full of Mercy. Mercy is nothing but a witness. Mercy is the beginning of downfall. It's an invitation for failure.

Of course, I was wrong to do what I had done in
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