

“If Regina keeps coming in here, I’m going to run out of books to sell,” I manage to joke.

“With the way she’s going, I wouldn’t be surprised,” Mrs. Smiths laughs. “At least she’s got good taste. That’s what Micheal says, anyway. He and my other son love science fiction and fantasy.”

I don’t know what to say to that. I busy myself with things behind the counter, only to feel my stomach lurch. It’s enough to make me grimace, and I grip the counter, making the room tilt slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Micheal is now frowning at me. “Lucia? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I manage a smile and slowly straighten up as the wave of nausea passes. “Just a touch of food poisoning, that’s all.”

“Food poisoning? Should you be working?”

“Haven’t got a choice. I’m the only one who can come in today, and I can’t afford to close.” I shrug. “Joys of owning a small business. I’ve been doing it for years, so this is nothing new.”

Mrs. Smiths doesn’t look too happy about that.

“But if you’re sick…” she begins
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