
Chapter 33


You hear people say “I saw my life flash before my eyes” But I could never understand that saying… not until now anyway.

The fear I felt while hanging on to the bridge was real and scary and for a moment, I really thought that my end had come but I pushed it aside and convinced myself that even if I did fall, I’d still survive somehow.

But right now in this very moment as I watch the Tornado fastly approaching the farm I finally understand the meaning and fuck it’s terrifying.

“Molly!” I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Christian’s voice. I don’t know how long he’s been calling me but I’m pretty sure that I zoned out for a moment there. Wrong time for that Molls!

“Molly move!” He grabs my hand and pulls hard. “Fuck that’s coming fast! Shit… shit! The horse stable is our only hope, we’re not going to make it to the shelter.” Is he crazy?

“Christian, we’ll never survive in there, You need to get back to your kids!” We’re both screaming to be heard over the wind and rain and
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