
65 cruise ship

After completing his work Gatlin again leaves his office early, he drives directly to a base type dark place, this is different from last one, it’s clean but horribly big. Gatlin enter in a inter most cabin and took his seat, in front of his computer showing some surveillance video.

This is the place where his shadow guards are staying, and also some of Ford’s man, after that day his guards will follow Ford’s man and took them from a place from where no one knows they are kidnapped making it like they run away, they will ask them about Ford’s secrets specially about Griffin but till now he didn’t get anything about her, no one knows about that Griffin or any girl related Ford.

Door knocked and a person in same black clothe came in Gatlin’s view, Gatlin’s face is no gentler as before even he did not had his fake smile on his lips, he is like cold mountain sitting there, may be this is his real face behind his mask.

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