
75 Adair's surprise

Three days pass in a blink of eye for others and for Gatlin he is missing Adair a lot and every minute when he is not busy passed like a day, but finally his waiting is going to finish.

Auction starts at 6:00 in evening, as the next day is weekend many people comes to attend, and to keep their face high they brought expensive things to sell in this auction, Gatlin changed a little rule that is 25% of the amount will be giving to there owner not to burden them lot. Gatlin was little late as he has work to do but his subordinates were with top qualities as they handled every thing perfectly even if he is not available.

Keller also attend with Carter, Saya and Kaya sisters come with Mr. Jane their father, Ford comes with Mrs. Madison not bringing Ashford he is still recovering his injuries is serious. Every big face had attended the auction even giving their best for the charity.

Ford wasn’t happy, he knows this all arrangements is high notch an

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