
Chapter 010|Her father's daughter

Chapter 010|Her father's daughter

She strolled out of her room to have a second opinion of her clothing choice since it was 5:30 am and she still had a lot of time to spare. Especially as she starts work at 8.

  "Wow." Chucks whispered, his eyes wide in surprise as he gave her a quick appraisal from head to toe, his eyes trying to take in the transformation.

   He was on the porch, his hand around a mug full of coffee and his eyes which were on his computer, now on her.

   "You look like one of those working-class, disciplined women on magazines. You normally don't laugh, so it isn't hard to shimmy into this new job description."

   She scowled at him.

 He abandoned his cup of coffee, but yet kept it beside him.

   "That is it.. the air of a confident ruthless assistant to the Governor. Least I forget as your manager, I am entitled to 10% of that income among other miscellaneous benefits." He said with such dramatic flair, that earned him a chuckle from her.

   Someone clears his throat behind them.

   It was Chidi, beside him was Kehinde.

   "Just like Young, So damn stubborn," Chidi whispered, his eyes shining with pride.

   "Thank you, besides I seek to impress, Uncle Chidi." A smug grin on her face, as she turned towards them.

   "That was not a compliment, you knucklehead." 

   "Why can't you be more docile, less strong-headed," Kehinde complained, his eyes clouded with worry, as he stared at the woman in front of him, that was once a girl who cried because she was made to practice when a Barbie cartoon collection was being shown on Tv.

   "I am my father's daughter and a Native. Besides, I learn from the best. You both and my uncle. Being docile is not an option." 

   He beamed.

   "At the courtyard, in the meeting room as you spoke to Obinigwe. As you addressed us all, with such flair, such authority. I realized, amongst other members that you are not our little girl anymore. You are a woman. a strong fierce woman who can take on anything and anybody. It is time to stop protecting you from yourself, your destiny. You are the crown now and we are at your service. Always at your service." Kehinde said and then enclosed her into a bone-crushing hug which she didn't see coming. 

   He released her, a tensed smile on his face after she patted his back twice, awkwardly.

   Nobody showed a sign of affection in the Native. It was regarded as a weakness so she never learned how to reply to an open show of affection like a hug.

   "I know you are all grown up now, but I can't help it. I will call you every 10 minutes. You don't need to say a word, just pick the damn call and let me hear your steady breathing. If I call and you don't pick up, that will be a cue for me to come to the capitol building. You get me?" Chidi sternly asked.

   She raised her brow at his tone.

   "Sorry, Sir. But you do get the drill?" 

   She rolled her eyes.

   "Yes, I will take your call every 10 minutes and breath into my phone, no that is not weird at all." She said heading to the door. "Chucks I will give you 10% of my salary, just don't splurge it on more tech gadgets. The miscellaneous benefits will have to be discussed and Yes, I will also call, if I need help though I doubt that. Everyone happy now?" 

   "From here to the capitol building will take 30 minutes. You can take one of the cars at the driveway." Kehinde said, throwing the key to the Team garage at her, which she timely caught.

   She grinned. She had always wanted to try out one of those cars, but her uncle had always insisted it wasn't the right time.

   "I love my job." She whispered with a goofy grin that made Kehinde shake his head amused.

   "You know you are the crown now, you have more rights to them." 

   "You will always have rights over me, regardless of titles and who wears the ring." She mumbled glancing at him, "Never forget that."

   Immediately she left, Kehinde frowned, his lips pursed, as he fought the urge to bring her back.

   "You guys know that she went to work not to get crucified on a stake, she will be fine." Chucks whispered, not getting why they both had that look on their face like she was heading for a death sentence. An expression they never had on their face even when she ventured on her risky assignments, even the deadliest of them all.

   When she had sealed a deal with a ruthless Caucasian gangster. Yes, maybe Sir Young had called her way too many times and Kehinde had promised to kill her if she ends up dead, but nobody was this paranoid.

   Chidi took Kehinde's hand, and then made him look at him. "We can't protect her forever Kehinde. She should learn how to protect us rather. It is now or never. How can the team believe in her, if we don't? She is the crown and Young has never been a wrong judge of character, she will come back safely, she has to."

   "Let's just pray she survives a day at work without being fired, so she doesn't come back too early now. Shall we?"

   They both glared at him.

   He nodded and continued programming the app, he just started working on. Coding and stuff. This was the smartest resourceful video game he could partake in.


There was hush silence as Jasmine entered her office she co-owned with four of the other assistants, after being given a head start on what is expected of her which included Taiwo's Schedules.

   They must have been talking about her, she assumes, and seeing her, she could decipher the pity in their eyes for her.

   They knew that she had already lost her job, even before it began.

   Jasmine moistened her now dry lips with her tongue, getting up from her seat to finally meet the man, she has recently spent all her time fantasizing about killing.

   "Come in." A deep husky voice, whispered as she knocked on the door.

   She paused and then pushed the door open wanting to get it done with already.

   His pictures online, seeing his outline at the club, nothing came close to what he looked like up close, nothing had done justice to The devastatingly handsome cold stare on his face, his long elegant leg that he drummed on his laps. He had dimples, she had seen it in one of his pictures, and had expected that it will make him less intimidating, maybe cute but she couldn't excuse his dark Aura that sent chills down her spine.

   There was nothing remotely cute about the man she was standing in front of. He was dark-skinned, the perfect Alpha male. Nobody should be this handsome and still be powerful. It was unfair!

   His lips curled in disdain, as he stared at her like she was gum under his expensive Italian pair of shoes.

   "What are you gaping at for so long?" He snapped, angry that he had also been given another inefficient bastard and worst, she was the type that drools.

   She narrowed her eyes at him, partly glad that his attitude made him an easier person to hate, and convinced she can't work for a man like him, she decided to give him a piece of her mind. Chucks will just have to find another way.

   "I don't know, just wondering why your office decor is so drab and your walls look like you had a hospital in mind." She retorted referring to his pale white empty walls and the ridiculous thought that the only decor in his big office was the Nigerian flag and a picture of the president.

   His ridiculously big office felt intimidating with nothing that made it feel more humanly inhabited, he knew the effect of his cold office. He deliberately made it so but nobody has ever called him out on it, so the audacity of the woman that just commented about it and in such a tone intrigued him.

   He was good at poker face but Jasmine could see the hint of a surprise that creep into his eyes. That got his attention.

   "Who are you?" He asked, his eyes accessing her sharply.

   "Miss Jasmine Bolanle, Your Assistant, who will be lasting for more than a week." 

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