
Chapter 7

Aria White:

He brought her to his house, Aria still couldn't believe it, because she thought he was taking her on a date.

But here they both are sitting in his car, Aria's eyes wide out as she takes a look at the Beautiful house.

"I hope you don't mind me bringing u here, I didn't want people to look at us and make u feel uncomfortable." He said when he noticed her quietness.

She gave him a soft smile before shaking her head.

"I don't mind at all, your home looks beautiful by the way," Aria said softly

With that Angelo came down from his side of the car, and walked towards her side. He opened the door for Aria smiling at her.

Aria said a little thank you before stepping out of the car. Her Eyes immediately looked around her environment.

She looked at the cars all lined up and a beautiful water fountain at the entrance of the building. Her thought was cut off short when Angelo took her arms in his.

Walking towards his home, As they got to the door Angelo stopped walking and placed his Right hand on the door.

Aria was confused at his Actions but stopped when she noticed the door open slowly

Fingerprint scanner

Aria thought before looking at Angelo, Whose eyes were already on hers.

He took a step inside pulling Aria along, Her mouth dropped open when she saw the beautiful designs around the room.

"Welcome home Love," Angelo mumbled softly.

"Wow" Aria whispered as she looked around the house.

"You live here all alone?" She asked Angelo who's eyes where already on her.

"Yes, but I got used to it." Angelo mumbled as he walked into the room 

"Isn't it boring?" Aria asked before slapping her hands on her lips.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I just thought because it's a big house and it looks lonely." Aria mumbled before biting her lips.

"I'm really sorry Mr Angelo." She continues when she noticed how quiet the room is.

Angelo let out a loud laugh before walking towards her.

"I'm not angry love, and yes it does get boring, but we are friends now right, you can come anytime you like." Angelo said with a smile.

Aria looked at him confusedly before nodding her head.

"Alright let's go eat." Angelo said grabbing Aria tiny hands in his.

They both walked before reaching the dinner room, a breath left Aria lips when she saw how beautiful the dinner room looked like.

"I hope you like it, I didn't know what theme to use, cause I don't know your favorite color." Angelo mumbled.

Aria looked up at him, a surprised look on her face.

"You did this for me?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah uhm" Angelo whispered his face growing red.

Making Aria giggle.

Angelo rolled his eyes before walking towards the chairs.

He helped Aria pulled her chair, then waited patiently for her to sit.

Aria mumble a little 'thank you ' as she watched Angelo sit.

"So, let's beginning since you were really hungry in the car." Angelo said making her Blush and looked away.

"Did you built this house?" Aria asked as she tried to make little talk with him.

"Mhm, when we are done, we going to look around, would u like that?" Angelo asked her.

"Mhm that's gonna be really nice, but do you have maids that clean the house?" She asked again.

Angelo chuckle before tilting his head to the side.

"Of course I have maids, I'm hardly around not going to lie, mostly Saturdays." He said.

"Oh" Aria thought before looking around the house.

Poor house it's probably sad for been lonely too.

"How long have u had the house?" She asked before saying.

"I'm sorry if this sounds boring, it's just that I still can't believe house's like this are real." Aria mumbled looked away from Angelo's grey eyes.

"It's cool, and to answer your questions, it's been 2 years now" he said with a shuffle.

Aria nods her head before picking up her spoon.

"Any more questions." He asked with a smirk.

"No no , no more, let's just eat so I can see the place more." She mumbled.

"Good girl " was all Angelo said making her blush and continued eating her food.

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