
58 - Guardian Angel

Writer's pov

Rudra jumped down from the car bonnet and went to open it's door. He took a file from the car and put it on the car bonnet.

" Come here and sign on these papers. I am not asking for much Siddarth. Just few money and some properties. I know for Khuranas these are nothing. " Rudra said

Siddarth came forward and took the papers and saw his personal cheque book with him.

" How comes this with you ? " Siddarth asked to Rudra with a shocked face.

" How many times I came to visit you at Khurana mansion ? How many times I even visited your room ? Some times my wild flower will be taking bath...... Sometimes she will be sleeping peacefully, sometimes

she will be changing....." Without letting him complete Siddarth punched him right across his face which makes him fall down. But Rudra was laughing like a maniac and swiped the blood came from his lips.

" Kill me .,... kill me Siddarth so that I can go with Nivi soon." Rudra took Siddarth hands and asked him to beat him.

" Sidda
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