
Chapter Six: The Dream and Eyes of the Predator

“No! Don't take Tiffany away!"

The scenes were blurry, yet it's painful.

“What do you want from us?!" A man changed into something a wolf-like figure while he was trying to protect his family.

Everything seems surreal. I feel wetness into my cheeks.

Am I crying?

I roamed my sight to the group of men. My heart pounded so fast seeing someone very familiar as the pang of pain followed. I am starting to lose my breath!

The man with ash-colored eyes is staring at me lifelessly.


Tiffany was haunted by her dreams again—full of blood, screaming, and shattering of glasses, as if she is alive and feeling the pain. She found herself inside the car together with two familiar faces but she doesn't know who they were. A few moments later, she found herself outside the car surrounded by the men wearing black masks. And lastly, her heart felt tremendous pain after seeing those lifeless ash orbs. Tiffany screamed when she woke up, full of sweat, panting heavily and unconsciously crying hard. Suddenly, Hailey burst into her room.

Hailey rushed into Tiffany's room, her face filled with concern. Seeing her best friend in such distress, she immediately sat down next to Tiffany on the bed and gently placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Tiffany, what's wrong?" Hailey asked, her voice filled with worry. "I heard you screaming. Are you okay?"

Tiffany took a moment to catch her breath, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. Her voice trembled as she tried to explain her unsettling dream. "I... I don't know, Hailey. It was so vivid. There was blood, and I could feel the pain, but I don't recognize the faces in the dream. It was like being trapped in a nightmare."

Hailey's brows furrowed with concern. "That sounds really intense. Do you remember anything else about the dream? Any details that might give us some clues?"

Tiffany took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I was inside a car, Hailey. It felt like I was a passenger, but I couldn't see who was driving or sitting next to me. Everything was chaotic, and there were sounds of glass shattering and people screaming. It was all so real."

Hailey pondered for a moment, trying to make sense of Tiffany's dream. "It's strange that you couldn't recognize the faces. Maybe they represent something or someone in your life that you're not consciously aware of yet. Dreams can often be symbolic."

Tiffany nodded, grateful for Hailey's presence and her attempt to understand. "You might be right. It just felt so unsettling, like a foreboding sign of something to come." She stared Hailey's eyes. She wanted to tell the person who she saw in her dream!

"What's bothering you?" Hailey inquired with full of concern.

"Just nothing," Tiffany replied and lowered her head.

Hailey squeezed Tiffany's hand gently. "We'll figure it out, Tiffany. Maybe it's just a manifestation of your fears and anxieties. But if it continues to bother you, we can always seek help or guidance."

Tiffany managed a weak smile, appreciating Hailey's support. "Thank you, Hailey. I don't know what I would do without you."

Hailey returned the smile, her eyes filled with determination. "We're in this together, Tiffany. Whatever challenges come our way, we'll face them side by side."

As Tiffany calmed down, the weight of her dream began to dissipate, replaced by a renewed sense of courage. She knew that with Hailey by her side, they could confront any mystery or supernatural force that may be lurking in the shadows.

Little did they know that their journey was only beginning, and the eyes of the predator in Tiffany's dream held secrets that would soon unravel, propelling them into a world where reality and the supernatural intertwined in ways they never thought possible.


The next day, Tiffany was ordered by Deborah to go into the supermarket together with Hailey, her best friend. Their path needs to cross over a forest where coyotes are located.

"Be sure to be back before noon, I'm going to cook!" Deborah muttered. The girls nodded with full respect.

As Tiffany and Hailey continued their journey towards the supermarket, their steps hastened by the eerie feeling of being watched. The dense forest surrounding them seemed to amplify their apprehension. Every rustle of leaves and distant hoot of an owl made their hearts race.

Tiffany glanced nervously at Hailey, who was clutching her shopping list tightly. "Do you think it's just our imagination?" she whispered, trying to keep her voice steady.

Hailey shook her head, her eyes darting towards the glowing yellow orbs in the distance. "No, there's definitely something out there. We need to be careful."

The girls quickened their pace, their gazes fixed on the mysterious presence in the shadows. The predator's eyes followed their every move, locked on their vulnerable figures. The tension in the air was palpable as they approached the edge of the forest.

Just as they were about to step out onto the open path leading to the supermarket, a low growl resonated from the underbrush. The girls froze, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew they couldn't ignore the warning signs any longer.

Tiffany reached into her backpack and pulled out a flashlight, casting its beam into the darkness. The narrow trail was barely illuminated, but it revealed enough to send a shiver down their spines. The glint of sharp teeth and the outline of a large, predatory creature became visible.

"Coyotes," Hailey whispered, her voice filled with a mix of fear and realization.

Tiffany's mind raced as she recalled stories she had heard about coyotes roaming these woods. She knew they were known to be cunning and territorial, especially in the presence of potential prey.

Deborah's voice echoed in Tiffany's mind, reminding her of their mission. They needed to reach the supermarket and fulfill their task. With determination, she glanced at Hailey and whispered, "We can't let them stop us. Stay close, and let's keep moving."

The girls edged forward cautiously, their eyes fixed on the coyotes. The predators, sensing their target was not going to be an easy catch, began to circle around them, their movements fluid and calculated.

Tiffany clutched her backpack tighter, her instincts urging her to stand her ground. She realized that there was something more at play here, something beyond the natural realm. The supernatural force seemed to be manipulating the situation, testing their courage and resolve.

Summoning every ounce of bravery, Tiffany locked eyes with the alpha coyote. In that moment, an unspoken challenge passed between them, as if they were communicating on a level beyond words. The alpha coyote seemed to recognize Tiffany's determination, and for a split second, its yellow eyes flickered with uncertainty.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Tiffany grabbed Hailey's hand, and together they sprinted past the coyotes, their pounding footsteps drowning out the howls of the frustrated predators. They raced through the forest, their adrenaline fueling their speed.

Finally, they burst out of the tree line and onto the well-lit path leading to the supermarket. They paused to catch their breath, their chests heaving. They had made it, overcoming the supernatural force that had tested their mettle.

"What did y-you do?" Hailey asked, panting.

Tiffany is catching her breath as she took a glance on Hailey. "I-I don't know. L-Let's go." She grabbed her best friend's hand and walked again.

As they entered the supermarket, Tiffany couldn't help but wonder about the nature of the supernatural force that had been at work. Was it merely a coincidence, or was there a deeper meaning behind their encounter with the coyotes? Little did she know that their journey was far from over, and that the supernatural force would continue to reveal itself in unexpected ways, challenging their beliefs and pushing them further into the unknown.

Hailey's POV

I saw it. Her eyes. Her eyes glowed.

It is starting, sooner or later, you will find the truth of who you are...


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