

How could he do this to me? How could he lied and be with Nina?

What the fuck is going on?

But it seems he is not with her but following her into the store.

That's a different story, yet it still pisses me off that he lied to me with a text.

My whole brain is going berserk that it's giving me a migraine. A ticking bomb ready to explode.

"Effie, you okay?"

My brain malfunctioned while my eyes were red as I crushed my soft drink till it exploded in my hand, creating a bursting waterworks.

"Damn, Effie!" Lily exclaimed. I finally blinked and saw that she and Clark were sprinkled with Coke. "What's going on with you? One minute you were fine, then the next-"

"Lily, I'm so sorry," I grabbed some paper towels and helped wipe Lily and Clark off from becoming sticky. My eyes were adrift to where Logan and Nina went inside the store. I should have paid more attention, and it caused more recklessness. "Sorry guys, I'll be right back."

"Wait, Effie!"

I ignored the calling of Lily and paced my f
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