
Junior, Sean's Junior


"By the way, what happened to your neck?" Sam spoke, and my hand flew to my neck to check, and then it hit me.

Shit..shit..double shit. I forgot to hide them.

Nathan’s eyes stuck to my neck. Well, I can hide, but as far as I remember, I have more than one. Gosh, it is so embarrassing.

Smirking at me, Nathan went back to his work for my relief, but Sam was giving me a teasing look, and I know she will not leave me that easily.

Amm," I started, but she cut me off in the middle. "Oh, I know it must be a bug bite, right?" She says that somehow I like the idea, and I nod in agreement.

Suddenly, both burst out laughing.

I was looking at them all, confused, but they were laughing like madmen. Sometimes Nathan controlled himself while cleaning his tears, but Sam was still laughing, and she fell from the couch to the floor, but her laughter did not stop.

I am still looking at them, tilting my head to one side, surprisingly thinking, Why the hell are they both laughing?

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