

Beretta POV

It happened as we were resting by the campfire, enjoying the start of our dinner of jerked beef and dried fish with crackers. One of the men had picked wild herbs while collecting firewood, and one of the towns we had passed through had offered the Beta jared vegetable stew for our dinner. We were waiting for that to heat up over the fire, and the kettle of wild chamomile and mint tea to brew.

The day had been interesting. I would even go so far as to describe it as fun, though riding all day was hard on the body.

I got to see the outskirts of the pack’s territory, and it truly was a magnificent place. The beauty of the land inward matched the beauty of the sea. The lush greenery and fields of wildflowers were vibrant with wildlife. Deer and elk were in abundance, not even scared of our movements as we passed through. The towns were picturesque and added to the scenery instead of taking away from the natural wonder of it all.

You could see evidence of war in many of the
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