
Chapter 48


"Get moving, fat ass," Shay yelled, as she got to work. As she got to work, I walked towards the closet. I wanted to scream like hell, from what all I saw. He had a fucking closet that could be big enough for a wealthy woman.

Shay dove headfirst into her work, barking orders with her characteristic assertiveness, I wandered towards the closet. It was a fortress of opulence, a shrine to excess that made my head spin. The sheer extravagance of it all threatened to overwhelm me.

Suits of the finest fabrics lined one side of the closet, meticulously organized by color and style. White shirts and pants adorned the opposite wall, a testament to the owner's impeccable taste and attention to detail. But it was the accessories that truly caught my eye.

Shoes, countless pairs of them, lined the shelves with military precision. Each one more luxurious than the last, they spoke volumes about the man who owned them. As I ventured deeper into the closet, the scenery shifted from formal
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