

My heart pounded in my chest as I approached the man who seemed to be just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. His long, unkempt hair hung down, framing his gaunt face. His eyes were hollow, and his body was frail, but there was something familiar about him.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper.

The man looked up at me with a hint of recognition in his eyes. "My name is David," he replied weakly, his voice hoarse from disuse. "And you are?"

"Lora," I responded, still trying to figure out why he seemed so familiar. "How long have you been here?"

He hesitated for a moment before answering, "More than ten years. I've lost count, to be honest."

I couldn't believe it. Ten years in this hellish place? How could anyone survive that long? My heart ached for him, and a wave of sympathy washed over me. "I'm so sorry," I whispered, my eyes filling with tears.

David offered a weak smile. "It's not your fault, Lora. But tell me, how did you end up here?"

I hesitated,
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