
Chapter twenty nine

After the two thousand eight hundredth person I breathe a sign of relief and I felt a lot of emotions which weren't mine, it was both overbearing and overwhelming.

"Congratulations Alpha." I heard Mara say in my head, I searched the crowd for her and found her grinning ear to ear.

"Congratulations Alpha." Chloe was standing right next to her grinning. My head was pounding, I was having a migraine, I was hearing everyone's thoughts and on top of that they kept congratulating me, I tried to keep my thoughts in check as they can also hear my thoughts.

"Now that the Alpha ceremony is over the fun part may begin, everyone eat, drink, dance, mingle and celebrate!!!!" Yolandi grinned widely and cheers, applause and laughters were heard, everyone danced and talked it was very fun, I heard some people even organized a bon fire.

They didn't need to be told twice, they all went ti the food table and collected some food.

"You can block them out you know." Dad whispered.

"They are too many I can'
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