

'You killed me, Leon! Why did you kill me! '

"No! You disappeared while we were playing a game! I didn't kill you!" exclaimed Leon while closing his eyes, trying to make the voices that were bothering him disappear.

The voices that he had forgotten for five years came back just like that. Leon still remember that he began to hear those voices after he settled into a mental hospital. He began to hear blaming voices since then. At that time Leon began to doubt the reality that he had believed all this time. He began to doubt that his mother had really disappeared. He began to believe the story that he was the one who killed his mother.

Now all the feelings are back. Leon couldn't cry, as if his eyeballs were dry. Maybe if a single tear of Leon could come out of one of his eyeballs, it could ease the pain just a little. But there were not the slightest tears flowing from his eyeballs.

Suddenly the dimensions around Leon changed, no

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