
Chapter 50

"What did you find about Reynaldo?" Edmund asked as Carlo changed his expression into a serious one. With that face, you would never guess how playful he really is.

"For years He has been working in shop in Italy. He came here two weeks ago. We don't know who he knows here or how he knew about you, but I know he has someone here,” Carlo explained seriously.

"He has been in jail for ten years and has been released five years ago,” he continued. "He didn't get married again and no children. After you and your mother left, he went to the police saying you were missing but that was before your dad found a way to get the divorce for your mom and changed your last name into Cardinal. It just got harder for Reynaldo to find you.” He stopped. "Until now,” he added making Edmund sigh.

 "Well, there's nothing he can do. I'm not scared of him. I'm not a kid anymore. If he tries to hurt my family, there'

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