
Chapter 169 Instantly Revealing Herself?

When Michael noticed that Ivanka was still trying to resist, he yelled angrily, “Grandma told me that if I didn’t bring you back, she wouldn’t celebrate her birthday. So, be good, Ivanka Lane!”

Ivanka immediately quietened down.

She knew that her grandmother intended to match them together, so it was not surprising for her grandmother to say something like that.

Besides, how could Michael possibly lie? If their grandmother never forced him, would he lower his status and look for her?

While she remained silent, Michael suddenly carried her.

Ivanka never made a sound when she nearly fell earlier, but she could not help but scream at this moment.

“Michael Barkworth!”

She subconsciously held the man’s neck, but she instantly let go of him in a panic. “You… Put me down, now. You just need to help support me.”

“Do you think I want to carry you?” Michael’s eyes were full of impatience.

Although he said that, he still held the woman in his arms tightly. She would not fall even if she
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