
Part 42 # Olivia's Intrigue

Days passed quickly without Seno's presence. The house felt so empty. Lara didn't even leave the house because Melati was always taking care of her needs.

For two days now, Lara had just been inside the house without wanting to go anywhere. This progressing pregnancy also limited her movements.

"Are you ready to take a bath, Ma'am?"

Suddenly, Melati interrupted Lara's reverie. Lara was watering the flowers in the pots. She didn't know why, but she felt like doing it. Usually, she was lazy to take care of these plants.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8 in the morning, Ma'am. Let's have breakfast."


Lara was surprised. She thought it was still 7 in the morning.

"Okay," she agreed. Lara quickly cleaned up the gardening tools and started washing her hands.

Melati opened the bathroom door, Lara entered, and began to clean herself. After that, a delicious aroma wafted as soon as Lara stepped out of the bathroom.

"What's cooking?"

"Beef soup, Ma'am, and potato patties," Melati replie
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