
Her Side

Ace nodded solemnly without saying anything. An uncomfortable moment of silence filled the room like a void that refused to disappear. What made me the most uncomfortable was the fact that Elizabeth had not said anything at all since taking her seat.

“Umm…have you two had dinner? Should I order something nice or maybe make some coffee or tea?” I offered as I tried to play the good host.

The truth was, I wanted to get away for a while to give Elizabeth some personal space and myself some time to think things over. The tension in the air was too high for me to take.

“Some coffee might be good. I’m not hungry and Elizabeth’s clearly not in the mood to eat,” Ace replied for both Elizabeth and himself.

When I returned with coffee for the three of us, Elizabeth was still staring absentmindedly into space. Ace was seated at the exact same spot, and it seemed like the two of them had not spoken to each other since I got up and left to prepare us all some coffee. Unlike me, Ace didn’t se
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