
Why He Invited Me

“Just like I said. Don’t worry, they’re working hard to investigate the issue,” Ace said before he took my hand in his.

To my surprise, he kissed the back of my hand tenderly. The softness and warmth of his lips against the back of my hand made my heart skip a beat, and for a moment, I forgot what I wanted to say.

“But how can they investigate the issue without talking to me about it?” I asked in wonder.

“They’ll call for you when they are ready. This is a sensitive issue so they’re being extra careful and detailed about it,” Ace replied smoothly.

“I see…” I murmured.

Shortly after, we arrived at the event and Ace helped me out of the car amidst the large crowd of reporters and cameramen that have gathered to greet us on the red carpet. Ace smiled and was very calm, probably because he was used to this. The same couldn’t be said about how I was feeling inside. I stood next to Ace and plastered a smile on my lips as we got our photos taken together. I wasn’t even sure if it was fine
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