
049 Cat Out Of The Bag

"I'm sorry!! I totally forgot..." Kitty jumped out of the car and remembering that Erebus was still in there, so she turned to him and apologized, "Sorry, I have to go..."

"No problem, see you." Erebus gave her a smile, ignoring the angry man by her side. He just drove away.

It was Curtis.

"This is the second time that you disappear on me!" Curtis turned to Kitty after Erebus was out of sight.

"I know... I'm really sorry." Kitty didn't know, but Erebus actually took her out deliberately so she would miss her shift, therefore, miss spending time with Curtis.

A bit evil of Erebus though, but he couldn't help using a little trick to sabotage Curtis's plan with her.

"I worry about you!" Curtis was not pleased by her apology because she didn't at all get why he was upset!

"Ohh! Hmm, thanks?" Kitty was a bit surprised by this sudden "show of heart" that came out of nowhere. Yes, Curtis had been good to her, but it was definitely not romantical feeling.

Of course it wasn't. Curtis wasn't sure if he would take his little "prophecy bride" until the incident with Perses's men. He didn't want to follow this "fate", but seeing Erebus taking an interest in Kitty suddenly made him so jealous. And he didn't want to admit, but he also was tempted to test Erebus's so called "mark" and see if he would really feel literally pain if she doesn't accept the mark.

After all, he was the prince of the werewolf kingdom, and Erebus was just another solider under the command of his father, the King of the werewolf. It didn't feel at all immoral to him that he was planning a cruel experiment on Erebus.

But Kitty, how could she leave him here hanging and went out with Erebus! She was HIS!

Curtis held his arms up in front of his chest and stared at Kitty angrily.

Kitty had no idea what was going on in his mind. She thought his anger was natural considering she worked there and she just disappeared before her shift without even noticing him, but it was not like he was the owner of the hotel. Shouldn't him be covering for her instead of being angry at her as a colleague?

"I'll let you know next time, promise." Kitty took a step back, not want to encourage his sudden "intimacy urge".

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell at you." Curtis soon realized what was wrong. Being a prince, he was used to ways around women and how to please them. Though the women in his life mostly just throw themselves at him, he also learned how to be charming and carning.

He looked at her with a wronged face and appealing eyes: "I was just worried. It was wrong of me, but I rarely feel so connected to people so soon, and it's such a new feeling to me that I lost control. Cause I was confused too, and overwhelmed and..."

What can I say? His strategy worked.

"It's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry." Kitty patted him on the arm and started to comfort him instead.

"I, I like you, Kitty." Seeing that Kitty was such a warm-hearted girl, he quickly chose to use the "shy and awkward" move. "I don't know how people normally do this, but I just really want you to know."

It was such a huge bomb to drop on Kitty, but Curtis didn't usually spend too long on a relationship so he didn't know how to pace that very well.

Kitty was a bit surprised, but she didn't really see Curtis that way. Besides, she was all caught up by her feelings towards Erebus.

"That's really sweet of you." Kitty replied, "And it's always good to hear. But you should know that I haven't been really seeing you in that way, and I need time to think about it."

"Of course." Curtis quickly responded and gestured Kitty to go in the door first without showing his shock even a little bit. That was never a line taken by a woman who he just expressed his feelings towards, but he hid that well.

He was used to hiding his true feelings. Being a royal member in the palace, you need a mask always on to protect yourself from potential ill-intended people.

Maybe it was because he didn't reveal his prince identity. Curtis thought.

But now the whole new feeling of a girl not interested in him was so strange and curious to him that he decided to not reveal that fact to her for a little while.

It might be fun to test her true heart before he drops his title on her.

"Why were you by the entry though? Shouldn't you be on the shift?" Kitty asked him as they stepped in the elevator.

"A guest happened to ask to chat with me for a little while, so I escorted her to the entry." Curtis lied naturally with a perfect genuine smile. Of course it was Medusa who noticed him about Kitty's whereabouts, and of course he went down out of that urge mixed of anger and jealousy.

"Ohh." Interestingly odd, but Kitty didn't think too much on that. She was more nervous about if the owner of the hotel would find out about her missing her shifts.


So much happened tonight that she totally forgot about the fact that the person who interviewed her came to Erebus's bar and talked to them about witches and stuff so naturally! He was almost definitely a part of his Dim Patronus!

And he said he only works for the owner, who just generously gave her this position with a decent salary when she had no skill or experience whatsoever!

"I need to--" Kitty only realized she said these words after they came out of her moth. She quickly hit on the 19th floor button and it was just in time.

"Where are you going?" Curtis took her deep thinking face a symbol of her nervousness after he told her his feelings towards her, when he had no idea that she was not thinking about that all.

"I'll be at my shift soon!" Kitty ran out of the elevator without looking back. She had to know!

"Okay!" Curtis yelled as the door closed slowly.

What was wrong with this girl?! He wasn't getting what he wanted in the way he wanted it, and that made him frustrated. He just assumed it to be Kitty's wrong doing without realizing it was because he started to care about her.

Could it be? Could the owner be Erebus? He said it was his friend's hotel, and the room was just a courtesy from them.

That big liar!

Kitty crashed into the door without even knocking, and was shocked frozen when she saw the person standing there in front of the very table where she was interviewed!

Surely enough, it was Erebus.

"You lied to me!" Kitty yelled with tears burst out.

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