
Chapter 5: God of Light

After going through a period of brilliant development, the human world began to fall into chaos. In 611, Emperor Rey mono Gigante of the Rey de las Bestias dynasty died. His kingdom began to wane after twenty years of its greatest growth. On the banks of the river Hija del Dios Del Mar covered with corpses, cries rang out four hundred miles away. But in the castle of lords, gold and food still abound. Many people still comfortably paddle on the lake Lágrimas del Dios de La Lluvia and write poetry and enjoy the beautiful natural landscape like a painting by a talented artist. But a lot of people are homeless; their fathers, mother, wife, and children starved to death. Many people eat well, dress well, and indulge in alcohol and women. But there were also many people starving and freezing, their corpses everywhere in the city. Seeing the human world suffer like this, in contrast to the peace and wealth of heaven, Palomas Blancas' heart ached like a thousand knives. She can't change this, she can only give the starving people some food.

At this moment, a male god walked toward her. That god wore a wide yellow robe, a very beautiful face, and white and even teeth. The god walked up to Palomas Blancas and smiled at her. “You think you'll save them? Tomorrow they will still starve.” His voice is not cold, but very gentle. "What is your name?" "I'm me, whatever I call it, it's still me." “What are you doing here?” "I'm waiting for someone." He didn't make it clear, but he didn't intend to leave either. Palomas Blancas continued to distribute food to the starving, smiling and saying, “Why waste your time? They can only live to this day. Their fates are already arranged like that.” “You think we just let them die like that?” As soon as she finished speaking, a number of soldiers on horseback ran up, a child was engrossed in eating, could not avoid it, and was kicked away by the horse. "No!" Palomas Blancas ran to save the child but was stopped by him. "You can't do anything about it, it will surely die, fate has already arranged it." "But it's only a child." "In his previous life, he was a greedy, cruel official who corrupts a lot of money to live well." Then he pointed to the beggars who were dying of starvation and said: “Do you see these poor people, they were also rich and powerful in their previous lives but committed so many crimes.” He continued to point at a well-dressed official who was riding a horse past and said: "In his previous life, he built bridges and repaired roads, in this life he will certainly not have to walk anymore. Look at those people who have died with only skeletons left over there, their previous lives were very happy but they committed too many unforgivable crimes.”

Poverty and suffering, people always want to be helped by the gods, but they always blame the gods that the indifference of the gods has caused them suffering, they do not know that only they can save them.

Moments later, an injured man dragged a beautiful girl past Palomas Blancas, followed by hundreds of people holding swords. Through the man's running, one thing can be seen that his martial arts are no less, but he would rather die than let go of that girl, so he can't escape the people who are chasing him. He and that girl were surrounded. The man pulled out a sharp sword and roared: "Don't think that my injury is not enough to kill you, whoever is not afraid of death, come here." The people surrounding him heard him say that and took a step back. The crowd backed away, he laughed: "If you don't have the courage, get out of the way, don't block my way." “Are you going to run? You can't run away." While everyone was looking at each other, a tall, thin man came out and spoke loudly. This person has eyebrows as sharp as swords, eyes as bright as stars, he is very tall. Neither of them drew their swords, but the wounded man suddenly started bleeding. A sword stabbed straight into the wounded man, straight into his heart, the one stabbing him was the wife he would not abandon even if he died. The man turned his head and looked at the woman he loved the most with painful eyes: "I love you so much, but you killed me because of it?" “La Luz, you knew you were going to have this day, right?” The girl tried to stay calm but still couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes. Her statement not only surprised La Luz but also surprised Palomas Blancas. Does this mean that the girl holding the sword is Nieve Eterna? Why is that? Palomas Blancas walked over to see La Luz's wound when the yellow-cloaked god stopped him. "He must die today." La Luz grabbed Nieve Eterna with all her remaining strength and said, “Of course, I know. I know you were going to take advantage of my sleep, stab me with a dagger. I know you have hidden me and contacted them, have revealed to them where I am hiding. I know you put poison in your food to kill me. I don't blame you, just hope you gradually feel my feelings for you and love me. Even though I knew maybe one day you would kill me with the sword hidden in your belt, I still pretended not to know. Nieve Eterna, this is how I treat you, have you never loved me?" “How do you know?” Nieve Eterna looked at her blood-stained dress, all the old stories running through her mind. If you have never been in love, why are those smiles in those three months so deeply imprinted in your mind? If you really love it, why didn't the sword strike just now hesitate? “Nieve Eterna, do you know what it feels like to be lied to?” La Luz gasped.

Three months ago, when La Luz first saw her in Lago Oeste, his heart skipped a beat for that tender girl. From that day on, he went to Lago Oeste often, he just wanted to see her again, only regret that it seems that the only fragrance that appeared in his twenty-five-year life had disappeared from the human world. While in despair, he saw her fainting by the roadside. It was the first time in his life that he had to thank the gods for not abandoning him. From that day on, he protected and cared for her very carefully. For a faithful man, nothing is more painful than finding out his wife prepares a sharp sword to kill him on his wedding night. The blinding sword light pierced his heart. Turns out it was all a scam. He quietly investigated and learned the truth about his wife. She is Nieve Eterna, her father is Águila de Alas Largas, the same man he killed not long ago. To avenge her father, Nieve Eterna abandoned her fiancé and entered his life.

Despite being handcuffed by two messengers of hell, La Luz still turned her head behind to look at Nieve Eterna. "Please give me a few more words to say to her." His hands were reaching towards her but only grasping the air. The messenger of hell shouted: "Go!" "You two give him a chance." Palomas Blancas said. "No, he's dead, talking won't solve anything." The two messengers of hell tugged on the chains and headed towards hell. Suddenly, a god in white suddenly appeared and stopped the two messengers of hell. "Wait." That white god is León de Fuego. “God of Fire, this man is dead, we have to take him away.” "I know, but you guys give him some time to let him fulfill his last wish." The two messengers of hell looked at each other and nodded, retracting the chains. After being untied, La Luz ran to his wife and stroked her cheek lightly. "Nieve Eterna, I don't blame you, I deserve to die." But unfortunately, he is only a spirit now, except for León de Fuego, Palomas Blancas, and the god in the yellow robe, no one has seen this action and heard his sorrowful voice. Bosque Viejo, the tall, thin man walked up to Nieve Eterna and whispered: "You don't have to suffer for him, we just avenge your father." Nieve Eterna still cried and said: "He loves me like that and I treat him like that." "I know you've suffered a lot, I'll definitely take care of you later." Bosque Viejo was adamant that Nieve Eterna would not have access to the killer, but he couldn't convince her. If he knew the outcome would be like this, Bosque Viejo was determined to kill La Luz alone.

Nieve Eterna đứng lên nói với người đàn ông cô từng yêu say đắm: "Không cần đâu, tình yêu của anh dành cho em đã kết thúc khi anh quyết tâm trả thù cho cha mình. Em là vợ của La Luz, những gì em nợ La Luz, em chỉ có thể dùng cả đời để trả thù." trả giá. Tôi tình nguyện làm nữ tu để chuộc tội cho La Luz, chỉ mong kiếp sau La Luz giảm bớt một phần tội lỗi. " Nieve Eterna đứng dậy và ra đi trong lặng lẽ, để lại nỗi đau và sự thất vọng của Bosque Viejo và những giọt nước mắt xúc động của La Luz. La Luz mỉm cười, nụ cười xuất phát từ sâu thẳm trái tim anh, sự chờ đợi của anh được đổi lại bằng một câu nói của Nieve Eterna: "Em là vợ của La Luz." Đối với La Luz, thế là đủ. Linh hồn của La Luz biến mất, Thần Lửa León de Fuego tức giận nói: "Tôi không hiểu Cupido đang nghĩ gì, chỉ là càng lớn tuổi, bạn càng trở nên ngu ngốc hơn. "" Không liên quan gì đến Cupido, tất cả là do tôi! " Palomas Blancas vội vàng giải thích "Là do anh sao?" Eterna trở thành vợ chồng “Bạn biết rằng La Luz chỉ sống đến hai mươi tuổi, và bạn cũng biết rằng Nieve Eterna chỉ có thể hạnh phúc khi yêu Bosque Viejo, vậy tại sao bạn vẫn làm như vậy?” “Nhưng con đường là sự lựa chọn của Nieve Eterna, cô ấy sẽ không hối hận.” León de Fuego nhìn vào đôi mắt của Palomas Blancas, nhẹ giọng nói: “Đó là sự lựa chọn của cô ấy ở kiếp trước, kiếp này cô ấy làm sao biết được. cô ấy đã được định sẵn cho một số phận như vậy? "" Không có ký ức, vậy thì sao? Nếu đó thực sự là tình yêu, sau bao kiếp luân hồi, họ cũng sẽ yêu nhau say đắm, dù có chết cũng không bao giờ thay đổi. Palomas Blancas lớn tiếng phản đối. Bất chấp kết quả như vậy, Palomas Blancas vẫn tin rằng tình yêu đích thực sẽ vượt qua mọi thử thách. "Cho dù không còn ký ức, vẫn yêu nhau say đắm, dù chết cũng không đổi?" León de Fuego lặp lại câu nói đó với sự ngạc nhiên. Ánh mắt và sự im lặng của anh khiến cô nhận ra rằng vừa rồi mình thật ngu ngốc khi nói những điều mà lẽ ra cô không nên nói. "Tôi có thể nói rằng đó là sự sống lại của con người, các vị thần không có luân hồi." "Đúng vậy, chỉ có con người mới có sinh tử khổ đau, có bao nhiêu nhân duyên hạnh phúc." Vị thần mặc áo choàng màu vàng trả lời cô. León de Fuego thấy anh ta đang đứng ở phía tây, suy nghĩ về điều gì đó. Một lúc sau, León de Fuego cười: " Bạn là Hielo Fénix, Thần Ánh sáng, phải không? ”“ Đúng là Thần Lửa León de Fuego có đôi mắt sắc bén. ” Thần Ánh sáng Hielo Fénix đã cố tình che giấu điều đó, nhưng León de Fuego vẫn nhận ra “Thần Ánh sáng Hielo Fénix từ núi Dios del Sol đến đây, không phải chỉ để nói rằng mắt tôi rất tinh tường, đúng không?” "Thần Lửa León de Fuego đã nhìn thấy tất cả những đau khổ của thế giới loài người chưa?" “Tại sao tôi không thấy nó? Nhưng tôi bất lực ". Nghe câu trả lời của Thần Lửa León de Fuego, Thần Đèn Hielo Fénix tỏ ra vui mừng." Bạn đã từng nghe đến Kinh Kim Cương chưa? " “Kinh Kim Cương? Tôi đã nghe về nó, đó là trái tim của Dios de la Guerra, là tác phẩm tâm huyết của Vua Băng Thế giới, và nó được cất giấu trên núi Alma de Viento. Thần Ánh sáng Hielo Fénix gật đầu và nói vâng, hầu hết các bộ kinh Kim Cương trong thế giới con người đều đã bị thất lạc, rất nhiều người chỉ đọc một phần của nó và hiểu sai. Tôi muốn dùng toàn bộ kinh Kim Cang để cứu mọi người thoát khỏi đau khổ ”.

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