
Chapter 106 A Familiar Feeling

The only thing she could do was shout loudly at the passersby, "Help! Please, I'm begging you! Please call the police. I don't know these people, help!"

At this time, her colleagues at the store were alarmed by the commotion and came out to see Lili being pulled away by a few unknown buff men. It appalled them and a few of them called the police while others tried to block the van from leaving. Passersby who recognized she was known by the employees from the store also joined in to block the van until the police arrived.

The police arrived quickly. The buff men could not clearly explain why they had to take this woman, so the police took them all away. Everything that happened was quickly posted on social media. Some said that there was a kidnapping of a lady in broad daylight, some said that a small nobody accidentally angered a mob leader, and others said that a person was kidnapped for not paying back loan sharks…

The power of the internet was unimaginable, and Lu Mingyu quickly
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