
Chapter 27

As the door closed behind Mr. Will and Mrs. Rose, Vivian and Jerry stood in silence, staring at each other. The weight of theirconversation still heavy in the air.

Finally, Vivian spoke up. "Jerry, is what you said true? Can I really believe that you will take care of me and treat me as your wife?"

Jerry looked into Vivian's eyes, hisown expression serious and sincere. "Yes, Vivian. I promise to take care of you and treat you with the love and respect that you deserve. I know that I have not always been the best husband, but I am committed to making things right and showing you that I love you."

Vivian's eyes filled with tears as she heard Jerry's words. It was what she had been hoping for, but she had not dared to believe that it was possible. She took a step closer to Jerry and placed her hand on his. "Thank you, Jerry," she said softly. "I want to believe you, and I want to work through our struggles together."

With those words, Jerry and Vivian embraced, holding each other tightly
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