
Chapter 21

Maggie paced the porch while she waited for her ranch hands to return with news of the damage done to the south pasture.  She hoped Aiden and Angus returned soon.  She was grateful when she received the wire telling her that they found the girl and would be coming straight away.  She would have felt awful pulling Aiden off the search otherwise, but it couldn’t be helped.  Renegade Mexicans had paired up with a few rogue Cherokee and they were raising hell with the cattle and property. They even set fire to the west pastures near the river.  Rumor had it that they intended to do the same with the south pastures.  If this kept up, there’d be no grazing for whatever livestock they managed to save from being stolen or killed.

The sight of two men on horseback coming up the long path from the Bar J&K entrance caught her attention.  Was it Aiden and Angus or her men?   She placed the edge of her hand against her forehead

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