
Chapter 12

Zoey began to get nervous. She lay on her side, her body stiff and tensed. Suddenly, Laurence leaned over and kissed her. He gripped her chin tightly and forced her lips open. Their breaths fogged together. She couldn’t make any noise to protest as he placed himself between her knees. Even though Laurence usually showed a mild temperament, he was actually quite stubborn and headstrong. Zoey’s lips were swollen when he finally let her go.

Before she could say anything, though, he pressed himself closer to her ear, his hands gripping her waist tightly, and said, “You were having trouble sleeping, right? Some exercise should tire you right out.”

Thus began another night of lust. Unsurprisingly, Zoey was late for work again the next morning. She couldn’t concentrate on her work either. The meeting room was filled with a stifling air of unease. Laurence had just fired some people in a development project. Everyone was nervous. During a break, Anne found Zoey and began ranting.

“Why are those old sods provoking Mr. Scott? He’s never been one to back down in the face of rebellion, so why try? We’re the ones who get the brunt of his anger.”

Zoey nodded. “You’re right.”

“I admire the women who want to sleep with Mr. Scott,” Anne continued. “I can’t even look him in the eye.”

Zoey downed half a glass of water.

“Everyone has their ambitions.”

Since she got pregnant, she was always thirsty.

After a slight pause, Zoey said, “Anne, I need to head out for a while in the afternoon. Can you take over for me?”

Anne flashed her an okay sign. Zoey had studied art and design in college. Even though she became Laurence’s secretary immediately after she graduated, she still maintained her skills by freelancing as a designer during her free time. She was going out to have dinner with a new client. Right after she left, Matthew called the secretarial department and asked for Zoey to bring Laurence a cup of coffee.

Since she wasn’t around, Anne took up the task. She brought a cup of coffee to the president’s office. Laurence glanced at her.

“Where’s Zoey?”

Anne lied bravely, “Zoey’s not feeling well, so she went to the hospital.”

“Get out,” Laurence replied coldly.

Anne breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out of the office.

Zoey arrived at the hotel where she had made a reservation for 6 pm. Coincidentally, her new client was Tristan’s uncle. He was old and fat, and he wanted an interior designer for the new house he bought for his girlfriend. Zoey covered up her disgust and greeted him politely.

“Mr. Lewis.”

Mr. Lewis took a liking to her ever since the first time they met. He ushered her into her seat and poured a glass of wine for her.

“I’ve been hearing a lot about you, Miss Jenner.”

Zoey didn’t like situations like this, but she needed the money.

“We should sign the contract first, Mr. Lewis.”

Mr. Lewis smiled.

“What’s the rush? Have a drink first.”

Zoey used up every ounce of her patience to keep seated. Tristan was having dinner at the same restaurant. He came over to greet his uncle and was surprised to see Zoey also there. The surprise didn’t last long. Both of them pretended not to know each other. In fact, Zoey didn’t even look at him. Tristan glanced at his uncle’s lusty expression and the hand that was itching closer to her waist. He just smiled and said nothing. As soon as he went out of the private room, he called Laurence.

“Your secretary has an extensive clientele.”

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