
107. Getting into their heads


"Why did you take so long in the restroom babe? I was just about to go check up on you to make sure everything was okay," Anna said as soon as I arrived back at the table.

I was grateful that I returned just in time because I can't even imagine what would have happened if she had seen me talking to another woman in the restroom area.

I realised that Alice was still at the table but she didn't seem to be concerned by the fact that I came back because she was still busy eating her food and minding her business.

I'm satisfied that she's warming up to me now because she used to be scared of me and she used to avoid me but now, she no longer does that and I'm relieved.

"It's nothing too serious babe. I was actually on a call with somebody and that is what made me take too long," I answered, hoping she would just end it there and not bother to ask any further questions.

"Are you sure you were on the phone call with somebody or were you talking to somebody else?" Alice sudden
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