
Get in, let me drop you off

Belle knocked on the office door she was directed to by Laura Johnson. She didn't hear a ‘come in’ like she expected so she knocked on the door again before she heard someone.

"The door is open." She heard a man say so she opened the door slowly and cautiously in order not to piss whoever it was inside the office.

When she walked in, she saw the man seated behind his desk, typing on his laptop without looking at the screen because he had his eyes on the paper which he seemed to be transferring Information from into the laptop in front of him.

‘He must the nathan.’ Belle thought, he didn't look like she thought he would, he was younger than she thought because she expected him to share the same age range with Laura Johnson but the man in front of her looked like he was in his late twenties.

She didn't say anything yet, not knowing if it was okay if she did because he didn't bother to look up to know who it was that just entered his office.

"Eric, did you get the things I asked you to?"
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