
Chapter 6

Once work was over, I grabbed my files and walk out of the office. All I need right now is a long shower and a good dinner. Speaking of dinner, I just recalled that my kitchen is a mess. Holy lord! I seriously have no choice but to get a maid. Believe me, if I say that, housekeepers aren’t trustworthy, I remember the last maid I had, that bitch is no worse than Maria, she literally stole almost all my pieces of jewelry and not only that, she tried to get herself on my boyfriend, she literally took her clothes off for him to check her out and when he didn’t, she tried to force herself on him. She’s a bitch. I made sure she got fired and to date, she hasn’t gotten a job yet, her CV is still with me, and I won’t let it go till after the year ends. This is what she gets for acting like a bitch.

Once I arrived at the apartment, my ear got encircled by police sirens. What the hell is going on? I got down from the car and the first thing I saw was the police cars parked by the side, usually, it’s always five police cars parked but today there were over ten cars there. Did someone die or what? Well, if that someone is Maria then I don’t think there is a need for any investigation. May her soul not Rest In Peace because she never gave me peace.

As I entered the building, I saw the police chief being interviewed by some reporters. Am I the only one that thinks reporters are jobless, like seriously who has time to even watch some bullshit news talk less of writing about it?

As I entered the elevator, in a minute or less, it reached my house floor. Stepping out of the elevator, I came across Maria. I really wished she was the one the police are investigating of.

"Well, well, well, if it isn’t Tara James Philip, the chief executive manager of the number one global company in town." She said

Here we go again, this bitch doesn’t get tired of taunting me.

She hasn’t said anything yet, just walk pass her Tara. Let me be.

As I took a step forward, she walked up to me.

"Come on Tara, spill it out" She said

"Spill what out?" I asked

"Spill it out. You forgot the file, didn’t you?"

"None of your business, stay in your lane and I will stay in mine."

"Who talked about lane Tara, I was just asking you a simple question. Did you or did you not forget the file?" She questioned

"As I said, non of your business." I pushed her aside

"It’s okay you can tell me, I already know that you aren’t good enough for that position."

Holy lord! Get her away from me.

"You think so, wait a minute." I paused as I sniffed the atmosphere "Do you smell that, oh wait it’s just the disgusting smell of jealousy."

"You bitch!" She barked

"Call me bitch or not, I’m still your boss." I blow a kiss at her and then opened the door "Before I forgot Maria." I turned around and looked at her "Don’t be late tomorrow if you do, I will have no choice but to cut your salary." I winked. She was about to come toward me when I quickly slammed the door shut.

I rested my back on the door "What a bitch!" I whiffed as I threw my bag on the couch.

I was about to walk into my room when I sensed a change in the living room. I studied the living room, the books were arranged on the shelves, the remote batteries aren’t on the floor, there isn’t a snack wrap on the floor and most importantly the couch looks vacuumed. Am I in my apartment or not? The last time this place looked neat was when Jeff visited and I made sure he cleaned the entire damn house.

What the fuck happened here? Why does my house look like it was just attacked by a bunch of cleaners and purifiers?

"Holy shit-hole!" I muttered

Did that guy clean up my house or should I still be thinking I’m in a dream? No, no, I’m not dreaming he fucking did it.

I took off my heel and walked into the kitchen, I hear corona beer calling my name.

"Come to mama," I mumbled as I opened the fridge. He took two bottles out of it, I don’t blame him, corona beer is irresistible. I grabbed a bottle and opened it, gulped half of the glass before I kept it on the counter. I skimmed the surface, soft and clean. Hearts off to him, he really nailed it.

I let out a yawn and walked into my room. Just as I said, a long bubble shower and then good food.

I entered the room and threw my jacket on the bed and then entered the bathroom, I turned on the tap and felt the water, exactly how I want it. Walking out of the bathroom I took off my clothes and wrapped a towel around my chest, I can’t lie but I have a very good body figure. With this kind of body, I think I should be a bikini model.

"Warm bubble bath here I come," I muttered as I walked towards the bathroom.

Holy shit! I almost forgot, I instantly turned on my music box, and I increased the volume to medium, just like I want it.

"Shout it out! Shout it out! Live it up, we are gonna take it to the way…. Shout it out! Oooo." I sang along.

I just love it when I have a warm bubble bath with just me and my music.

Once I entered the bathroom, I took off my towel and then collided my body in the warm water. I put some shampoo on my hair and scrubbed it for a while, once I was done, I rinsed my hand and then grabbed my phone which I kept on the side of the jacuzzi. I have this game that always calms me down when I get moody or upset. It’s called 'get your special day started' I know it’s a long name for a game but who cares as far as it’s a great game, I’m okay with it.

I played the game for a while and then kept the phone aside. I really miss Kyle right now, I remember how we always showered together, Kyle and his amazing romantic shower techniques. Oh lord I think I should stop thinking of him, he doesn’t even care about me, I’m sure right now he is kissing the fuck out of Maria or something like that.

Once I was done taking a shower, I wrapped the towel arranged my chest, and then grabbed my phone, it was time to do what was next, get something to eat. I dialed a restaurant number and they picked up on the second ring.

"Good evening ma’am, this is Amee's diner how may I help you?" A man said almost immediately as he answered the call

"Tara Philip speaking, I will like to have my usual."

"Sorry ma’am but I’m new here, can you just tell me exactly what you want?"

Holy shit! Everyone in that damn restaurant knows me, why can’t he just ask or something like that.

"Is Scott around?" I asked

"Yes, ma’am he is." He responded

"Tell him that Tara Philip called, he will know what to do and yes, I want my order to be delivered soon, five minutes from now."

"Okay, ma’am." With that, I ended the call.

Amee's diner is the restaurant where I’ve been ordering my dinner and lunch since I moved here, all employees know me and when I say all know me I’m including the janitor as well. I usually invest cash in them.

I was applying my body cream when I heard a knock on the door.

"Finally." I sighed.

I adjusted my towel before I opened the door, I leaned my hand on the side of the door.

"Delivery for miss…Uhm…Mrs…Uhm...Miss…Mrs…" He paused seductively staring at me

"Just hand me over the food, I’m starving," I said grabbing the bags from his hand.

He was still staring at me, without blinking his eyes. I gave him a long look, he’s pretty weird but I got no choice.

"Do you wanna come in?" I asked

"Uhm...I should be going but" He looked around "Okay." He hurriedly answered.

"Well then come in." I lead the way. As he entered the house I closed the door. I turned on slow music and walked toward him.

"Do you wanna_"

"Yes I do" He cut me off

"Okay. I will be right back, I just need to get ready."

"Okay, but be quick."

"Yeah I know, I’m also starving."

As I entered my room, I wore black pajamas and a baggy shirt. I love baggy shirts it’s very comfortable.

"Okay, I’m ready," I said walking out of the room. "Where are you?" I asked

"I’m over here." He responded

My eyes went wide as I saw him, he was completely naked, and his dick was clearly the main focus right here, like seriously when last did he shave. "Holy shit! What the dick-hole are you doing?" I screeched turning around, I closed my face with my hand.

"Relax, I know I haven’t shaved for a while but trust me when I say that my little man over here is great."

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I demanded

"What! Is this some kind of sex method of yours?" He smirked

"Get out now!" I pointed at the door

"Okay, I get it. I know what you want. You ladies have these weird sex entertainment methods I just don’t." He stood up and walked toward the door

"Wait, wait, wait, before you go, put on your clothes first."

"Okay, I understand that you don’t want to share this with everyone. You know, I like the way you think" He winked at me

"Never wink at me, never."

Once he put on his clothes, I gave him his phone and sent him outside the house.

"I will make the payment transfer."

"Wait what about the_"

I slammed the door shut. I have no time for his nonsense. He is fucking crazy, when I asked him to come in I didn’t mean it so we can have sex, I wanted him to come eat with me cause I hate having dinner alone.

"Son of a bitch." I muttered as I grabbed a plate and opened the delivery bag.

Andrew POV

Holy shit-hole, this day is a fucking nightmare that refuses to be over. I’m so sick of this day. I just hope Tara doesn’t find anything about me if not then I’m fucked up. She’s basically gonna tell them how I look and everything she knows, well she doesn’t know much but her describing my looks will burst my cover.

"Hey Andrew, get the beers," Luke said

"One second," I walked towards the fridge and opened it. Son of a bitch! There are no corona beers, okay now is a perfect time to say that I miss Tara’s house, I really do.

"We’re out of Corona!" I exclaimed

"Son of a bitch! You drank all the beers, didn’t you?" Jason approached me

"Yeah I did, fucker" I blurted

"You calling me, fucker?" He pointed at himself

"I’m guessing you need to screw that shit out of your ear cause you getting to the deaf zone."

"What you say about again?" He grabbed out

"Fuck off!" I brushed his shoulder as I walked past him.

I just don’t get why he’s all in my business. He’s always got something to say and he tries to make life difficult for me.

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