
Chapter 12



She ran as fast as her stubby legs could carry her, after she heard the news from Maggie. What did she mean by the restaurant was shutting down? This was all her fault. She brought this upon herself and more importantly, the people she cared about.

She stopped a taxi and told the driver the address. She couldn't believe he would do something like that, something so heartless. Why would her friends have to suffer for her own mistakes? Friends... Her mind went to Kumiko immediately. If anything happens to Kumiko, she was definitely going to make him pay.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she didn't care if the driver was staring at her. She was tired, tired of bottling up her emotions and acting like everything was okay. She was tired of acting strong and brave. She was scared, scared of this man, she was really scared of him and what he would do to her. She felt lonely. If only Jason were here. After that fight she hadn't spoken to him. Forget him, he doesn't care about her anyways.

She paid the driver and headed to the reception.

"Hi! Good morning. Is Mr Bandra on seat? I would love to speak with him." She spoke to the receptionist.

"Good morning, ma'am. Do you have an appointment with him?"

An appointment? Should she lie?

"I don't. But I'd love to speak with him."

She was definitely shaking, she didn't know what to expect from him but she already had her mind made up.

"Your name, please." The receptionist was so kind, perhaps she was just doing her job. Bianca told her her name and then realized that he didn't even know her.

"Yes sir. I'll let her in."

That was fast, It seemed she was wrong. Of course he's a billionaire, so he'll definitely know the name of the girl that humiliated him.

"Go straight, you will see an elevator, enter it and go to the fourth floor."

Bianca smiled at her and thanked her before proceeding to go ahead to do as she was told. Inside the elevator, her heart was pounding and she had a million questions. What exactly will he be like? What will he do to her?

The elevator stopped and she hesitated to step out until when it started closing. She knocked on the door and was answered by a deep voice. Was he angry? She opened the door and entered his office.

The room was cold, extremely cold. She didn't know if it was the air conditioner, his presence or her own anxiousness that was the cause of this, all she was aware of was that the pressure was intense and she couldn't stop shivering.

He sized her up and down, picked his blazers and handed it over to her. She looked really stressed out and it was all his fault, but this was what he had to do to make her his. It was all part of his plan.

"Speak." He said in an authoritative tone and sat down at the edge of his table.

Bianca was frightened by this but was quick to compose herself.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did." She was fighting so hard to hold back her tears.

She definitely wasn't going to cry in front of him, she hates him but she has no choice. She has to apologize.

Charles could see her in pain. He could see her holding back her hatred for him.

"I know I did something terrible but why do my friends have to suffer too? I'm so sorry." She covered her face with her palm as the tears dropped.

Charles was conflicted.

"Your friends? None of your friends are suffering." What was she saying? She finally removed her hands from her face and looked at him.

"Maggie. Maggie said you were shutting down the restaurant. Did you do that because I work there?" She said and couldn't stop crying now. This was all her fault. Not poor and sweet Maggie.

"Maggie? Did she tell you I shut down the restaurant? Are your friends also liars too? Why would I shut down the restaurant? What would I gain from a ruins like that? I bought the restaurant of course."

She was confused.

"You bought it? And she agreed to it?" She sniffled.

She couldn't fathom how Maggie would have agreed to something like that. What was wrong with people anytime it came to money? Wasn't the restaurant the only thing she had to remember her family? So why would she give such a precious thing away just like that? She didn't want to blame Maggie. She didn't want to judge her, after all she needed the money and Charles offered to give her what she wanted. But she just couldn't believe that she would sell her family's restaurant like that, maybe Charles was lying to her.

Charles handed her a clean white handkerchief to wipe her tears off before going ahead to speak.

"I did. I did it just because of you. I want you to suffer for what you did. I want you to be unemployed, and I'll make sure of that. So anywhere you go, everyone around you will suffer."

Of course he didn't mean that, he just said it to put fear in her heart. He didn't know why he was doing any of this. He didn't know why he was acting like this to the person he was in love with, after all one wouldn't act like this to someone they love, but he felt it was necessary because to him, Bianca was different. Hence, the attitude even though it made him feel hurt that he caused her pain and made her cry.

Bianca was about to cry again.

"I'm sorry. I'll do anything. Anything you want me to do, I'll do it. Just please don't hurt my friends."

Charles smirked. The plan was already in motion.

"Anything?" He was getting excited.

Finally his plan was working, he was so happy that all these weren't for nothing. He was one step ahead on getting her to fall in love with him, on making her... his.

"Be my pet." He finally said with hope written all over his face.

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