
Relationship Duties

"Thank you." Owen said, beaming from ear to ear. "Were you able to prepare the sauce?" He asked putting up a smiley face.

"Yes, but I stored everything away in the freezer." She replied as she waited for him to button up his shirt.

"Perfect." he said once he finished fastening the last button. "Let's get you home baby." He placed a hand on her waist. Together, they left for his car.

"We'll be having an ad presentation with one of the company's big fish on Friday." He told her as they headed to the garage. I've been working nonstop on the presentation."

"This big fish, is he the one you've been talking about?" She interrupted.

"Oh no, this is another one, this particular one have been with us for a very long time. But that doesn't mean we should assume that he's ours for keeps you know. With so many mushroom agencies springing up from nowhere and the tough competition out there, we still need to continue doing our best." Owen replied with a smile. "I would have shown you what I'm working on, but I doubt you'll understand any of it. At least not yet." He said in his usual reckless style of verbal expression.

Rosie swallowed hard and flashed an uneasy smile so as not to get upset. If she wanted, she could have gotten used to Mason's reckless style of talking by now if she had as much as tried putting her mind to it. But no, she just can't seem to be able to develop a strong and impenetrable skin to his words.

"Wish me luck." He added with a cute smile turning sideways to catch a glimpse of her face, pulling her away from her world of deep thoughts and worries.

"Good luck Darling, you've got this." She reassured him. "Not that you need the luck anyway, you are too good at what you do and you'll do exactly what you are good at. This client in question will have no choice than to sign that deal." Rosie added as they got to the garage.

She hugged him happily as the thought of being away from him creeped in. She knew that her chances of seeing him at the office tomorrow was very slim because he is a very busy man when it comes to work and he rarely make himself available to her at work. He usually claim that he doesn't like bringing his relationships to work.

That was his policy and she had no other choice than to stick to it. Finally putting away the little sadness that tried to envelope her as a result of Owen's previously spoken words to her. she hugged him cheerfully.

"Thank you." He said hugging her back. He buried his face in her hair and jerked away from her in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Rosie asked in response to his reaction.

"You should consider making a new hair Babe. This one of you have on kind of stink. It's not so bad yet, but I'm guessing it will be worse than this with time." He added mindlessly.

Rachel frowned. "That's a harsh way to state an observation. Owen, you are so bad mouthed. If you noticed that my hair stinks, there are better and more polite ways to tell me. Moreso, I told you that I had to run some errands outside the office building earlier and the rain caught up with me. What am I even saying," She said angrily.

"Is it news to you that I've been in your kitchen cooking all evening? You do know that I was bound to sweat while doing this as well. Yo....."

"I have a heat extractor installed in the kitchen Rosie." Owen interrupted in a subtle voice. "You can't possibly sweat while cooking in my kitchen Maybe in yours, but never in mine." He said letting out a soft laugh.

"It's so annoying that you find this funny. You know, it doesn't really hurt to be nice to someone. You should try that sometime." She told him. "You should also stop rubbing off unnecessary stuff to my face. it's becoming so annoying." She added with a serious face.

"Oh come on baby, you take things too serious. I was only joking. You should know me by now, I joke a lot." He said smiling as he opened the passenger door of his car motioning her to step in.

"After you, Beautiful." he told her. Rachel angrily stepped into the car, muttering under her breath. Once seated comfortably in the passenger's seat, Owen closed the door, crossed over and took his seat behind the wheels and off they went to Rosie's apartment on Adams Avenue.


"Rosie really? You should have been home resting after the day's stress at the office, but no! All you could do was go to your boyfriend's house to cook for him! Does this even sound right to you? Why can't he cook his food? Cooking is a basic survival skill, you know, right?" Tessa thundered after listening to Rosie's explanation for coming home so late.

"Tess calm down, it's just my own little way of helping him out. I'm his girlfriend, for crying out loud." Rosie stressed.

"You should tell him that. He is the one with no regards for you. This dude is using you. Gradually, he's turning you into his chef, maid, and laundry man. How does that even sound to you? Does it sound great to you?" Tessa asked.

"You should consider feeding him as well. I mean spoon-feed him since you literally do everything for him and what does he even offer you in return for all your goodness anyway?" she asked.

"Owen is a nice man," Rosie started with a sweet smile. "He loves me B and I love him as well. We are in a relationship, and we care about each other, so much." She said in defense.

"Rose, listen to me. If he loves you like you say, then he shouldn't be using you the way he does because that is precisely what he's doing. If he can't make his own meal, yet prefer homemade meals, then he should hire a cook, also a cleaner, and laundry man. In fact, he should get a maid. Someone who can do all these for him and also cater for his needs. The last I checked, you are none of those. You are a badass graphic designer, Emphasis on b.a.d.a.s.s. This dude can afford a maid effortlessly without even lifting a finger. He is so rich! Why does he choose to punish you unnecessarily and you allow him. Why the whole stress, I don't even understand." Tessa said in a sad voice.

"come T," Rosie tapped the seat beside hers as she motioned her friend to sit with her.

"Things are not the way they seem." She started. "Owen doesn't have much money on him now. He is trying to save up for our marriage." she blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Oh my God!! This is no good news Rose, believe me. He told you that?" Tess asked as a tense excitement creeped in.

If Rosie was dating a good man, she would have been so happy. But Owen? he wasn't the typical boyfriend she will wish even her enemy.

"Well, he implied it."

"Implied? He didn't say it in a simple A-Z sentence?" Tess asked again. She shook her head

"And you believed him? She continued.

"Of course I do." Rosie said. "We've been together for......"

"Nine months," Tessa interrupted. "And that is enough time to decide what the both of you want in the relationship." She continued as she turned to face her friend, holding Rosie's hands gently, she gave her a soft gaze.

"Did he really say he wants to marry you? Does he even want to see your family at least? Just so they can know who you're hanging out with." she added.

"Tess stop, I don't intend to scare him. That's like asking too much of him, and I would rather not subject him to unnecessary pressure. So, we're taking it one step at a time. Besides they've spoken to him on phone several times." Rosie said calmly.

"Baby, you deserve way better than Owen. It's been over nine to eight months of cooking, cleaning, washing, running flimsy errands and literally slaving for him. That alone gives you more than enough right to make certain demands of him." Theresa continued. "You do know that you are so gorgeous and there are so many men out there who will give anything just to be with you. For instance, my colleague, Den......."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop you right there. That's enough There." Rosie interrupted. "I am currently in a great relationship that I have no plan of walking away from. so, I'm all good. Okay?" she stated and Tessa nodded in agreement.

"I pray you have no reason whatsoever to end up with Owen though. I seriously do not think he will make a great partner. He's not doing an impressive job now, so it's obvious he'll do worst when you are finally joined in holy matrimony." Tessa blurted out.

"Tessa!!!" Rosie exclaimed.

"What? I'm being honest, Babe. I don't like him. He's not good for you." came her reply.

"Stop it now. Will you?" Rosie requested.

"Fine, I'll stop. But just for today. I left some noodles in the microwave for you." Tessa said changing the topic. Do help yourself to some." She added standing up.

"I'm not hungry." Rosie said, standing up as well. "I ate at Owen's." she said as she made way to her room with Tessa following right behind.

"Oh well, thank you, chef Rosie. My stomach can make do with more food." She said as they got to the door leading to Rosie's room. "You should also consider practicing this your new-found cooking hobby more often, especially at home." She went on as Rosie stepped into her room. "Charity they say begins at home." she added.

"Charity does what? Oh my god." Rosie laughed uncontrollably. "Tess, why are you even at my door? I'll send these footwear your way if you don't go away right now." she added as both of them laughed.

"I was just saying....." Tessa started but was cut short by the sight of one of Rosie's footwear coming directly at her. She flew to the kitchen amid laughter.

"Good night." she called from her position at the kitchen.

"Good night B." Rosie responded as she started getting ready for the night.

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