
Holding To Your Promise

There is terrifying horror that settles over me while I watch Raven being loaded into the back of an ambulance. Her body is completely limp and she has not moved at all. As I settled next to her, much to the annoyance of a frustrated EMT that reckons that I am only in the way, he does seem to try and convince me that she will be okay.

But fuck okay.

I have been here before.

I have sat in this very same spot and done the very same thing.

Like they say… Deja fucking Vu.

I cannot go through this again! I cannot lose another person that I dearly love.

The fact is, the bad memories are coming back and they are haunting like there is no shit tomorrow.

It was a cold rainy Christmas night; the King Family returned home after an eventful evening full of laughter and smiles at their dear family friends, the Johnsons. It was relatively late, and my father did not feel confident to take the long way home, so I offered to drive instead. Now

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