
Chapter 135

JUNO'S point of view

I woke up, gasping for air and totally scared from the near death experience I had from that dream.

I sat on the bed and exhaled repeatedly to calm down myself. Now I'm ever more determined to stay away from that man! Call me judgement or whatever but he's really giving me the creeps!

I jumped on my seat when a knock resounded from the door. A horrified expression crept up my face upon remembering the fresh nightmare I had a few minutes ago.

"Who's there?!" I yelled cautiously before peeking out the window. Just like in my dream, the sun is setting down outside painting the beach in a bright shade of orange.

"This is the biggest planet in the solar system."

I let out the biggest sigh of relief hearing my boyfriend's corny response. I got off the bed and made my way towards the door to welcome him. Jupiter quickly wrapped me in his arms, showering kisses all over my face while I giggle nonstop in his embrace.

"I brought us
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