
Chapter 18

" I'm sorry mom", this is my first time saying sorry to my mom for something I am at fault of. 

" Son, don't get me wrong. I just want what's good for you, I hope you will learn from this." I nodded my head and swallowed the lump in my throat. 

" Yes mom, I'm sorry. I will call you back later, bye" I ended the call with my mom without hearing her goodbye.

I'm guilty for what happened to Felicity, if not with my desperate and crazy girls before, she would never experience this. 

An hour had passed before the doctor get out from the operating room. I quickly stand up and go near her. 

" How is she?" I asked her abruptly. 

" She's now okay. I gave her 4 stitches for her cut, and a more anesthesia so she can't feel the pain tonight. But don't worry, she will not be overdose. And she will be transferred in her private room right away", the doctor explained to me calmly. 

After hearing the good news from the doctor, I feel like something heavy inside my chest was lift up, so I could breathe normally. 

" Thank you so much, Doc!" I heartily thanked her and she only tapped my shoulders before leaving.

I am gently holding her hands while sitting in the chair beside her bed. My heart throbbed at the sight of her, she looked pale and has a bandage on her head. If only I could take the time back, I would never let this happened to her. 

" Sweetie, Please wake up", I whispered as I gently caresses her hair down to her beautiful face.

" I'm here, please wake up Felicity", I kept on whispering. Hoping that she could hear me and open her eyes to see me.

 I likely looked like a shit right now. My white polo shirt has a bloodstain on it, and the three buttons of it were open. I don't have a plan to change my clothes, not until Felicity is okay. 

 Felicity's POV

I woke up with a dry throat, I tried to sit up but it came out that it is difficult for me to move. My whole body aches.

My head was pounding hard, and I can feel a throbbing pain in my forehead. 

I squinted my eyes as the light was too bright. Looking around, I panicked. Where am I?

I tried to stand up but my hand was restrained. Looking down at it, I realized that someone is holding my hand, and hugging my body. He is Damon, and he is sleeping while sitting in the chair beside me. Seeing him this way, stabbed my heart.

I realized I am in a hospital, an unknown one. How did I get there? 

Memories from what happened in the office came to me like a wave. I remember that I had a fight with that bitch, and when I try to call for a security, she hit me with the vase. I saw blood in my hand and the last thing I heard is Damon's voice before I passed out. And now I am in the hospital, with him by my side. 

" Damon, wake up", I whispered and lightly hit his arms wrapping in my waist. 

His eyes instantly open and was directed at me. He blinked twice, and shocked was evident on his face, which made me chuckle.

" How are you?", he asked me sweetly as he touched my face. 

He helped me to sit up, and adjusted my bed. And when I'm already comfortable with my position, I looked at him.

I can see fear, pain, worry, longing and gentleness in Damon's eyes, and all of that reached my heart, it touched and melted my heart. The feeling he is genuinely showing to me makes my heart hurts. I have fallen for him even more. 

" I'm feeling better", I said in a low voice, trying to hold my tears.

" I'm sorry sweetie, sorry that you have to suffer this because of my foolishness before", he said apologetically, while avoiding my gaze. It hurts more, seeing him putting the blame on himself. 

" It's not your fault Damon. And looked, I'm okay no need to worry about me", I said as I touched his face and made him look at me.

When our eyes met, I smiled at him. I gave him an assuring smile to soothe him.

" Don't worry, I will file a case for that bitch. I want her to pay for what she did to me", I gave Damon a smack on his lips. I felt his body stilled and his eyes widened a bit.

" You're blushing", I pointed out while chuckling. 

He only smiles at me while he shook his head in disbelief. We spent our time talking about what happened. He lay beside me, and he's hugging me tightly. We are this so close to each other to fit our body in the small bed. 

" Are you hungry?", he asked while playing with my hands and sometimes squeezing it. 

Instead of answering him, I diverted his attention by asking him.

" Why aren't you changing your clothes? You had a blood stain all over your white polo shirt Damon, if you haven't notice it." 

He moved his head and angle it near my neck. He kissed my shoulder blade softly, I can feel his hot breathe on my bare skin as he talked.

" I'm so worried of you that I can't think of anything but only you", my heart melts after hearing that from him. I hugged him more and I lay down my head on his hard chest. I can smell his perfume that has been my favorite scent, ever since I met him. 

We stayed that way for almost an hour, and when we heard a knocked from the door Damon get up and opened it. 

" Tessa!"

" Fely!" 

Tessa instantly went to my side, and hugged me. I can hear her heart beat when she tighten her hug. 

" I'm glad that you are now better. I am so worried of you Fely, when I saw your face covered with blood and your unconscious body. God! That was so dreadful, and all I can do was to wipe my tears that just won't stop from falling", she told me in her hysterical tone.

I never expect that Tessa would be this so concerned of me. She's my friend she told me that, and I am more blessed to have a friend like her. We may not interact with each other every day, still her relationship for me is so real and pure like a crystal.

" Thank you Tessa", that's the only word I can utter. Very short yet full of emotions.

" No need to thank me Fely. It is normal for me to act this way, you are my dear friend and I cared for you like how our Mr. CEO cared for you" she whispered the last few words so Damon can't hear it. I chuckled at Tessa's words. 

Damon is busy peeling off an apple, that Tessa brought for me. She also brought us a food for dinner, and a lot of fruits. Tessa on the other hand, is checking the bandsge on my forehead. 

" Does it hurts?", she asked me with hesitancy. Damn, Tessa! She is cute with that wavering face. 

" Yeah, it hurts a bit. I guess the anesthesia will not effect anytime soon." 

She sit on the chair beside me, while leaning her two arms on the edge of my bed. 

" Your boyfriend was like a fuming mad beast when he saw you inside his office. He drove fast that I think my soul was left somewhere, and worst thing is that he warned the nurse that if they can't secure your safetiness, he will burn down this whole building. I was trembling in fear Fely, my mind was like haywire everytime he glanced and talked to me", Tessa whispered while looking at me with a hint of fear. 

I slowly tapped her back to console her. It looks like she was really in fear and panic while I'm unconscious and she's with Damon. 

" Sorry Tessa. Don't worry I will open it up to Damon, and we will talk about it"

Damon went near me and gave me a slice of Apple, before putting the plate on the bed side table. Tessa quickly stand up and let Damon to sit on the chair instead. But Damon refuse to, because he sit beside me.

" Hmm, sir about the task you assigned me to do. I already file a case against Venus Scott, the police gave rise to file a warrant of arrest to her and they are now searching for her." Tessa informed Damon, I'm also listening to her.

" I have found out, that Venus Scott is using illegal drugs, because the police had told me that she is also under investigation for using and selling illegal drugs in the Neon club", Tessa added. 

I was astonished after hearing it from Tessa. So, the name of that girl is Venus Scott, and she's under the influence of illegal drugs. That explain her war freak attitude, and her strength and audacity to attack me. 

Damon nodded at Tessa, as if understanding something. 

" I will push through on filing a physical assault on Venus, after Felicity is being discharged", he informed Tessa. He then looked at me. " I will only need your little help sweetie, then, I will take care the rest of it." 

I nodded at him as a sign that I agree with his decision. 

The three of us ate our dinner, after the nurse visited me and gave me a medicine for pain killer. 

" Tessa!", I called Tessa when I saw her spacing out on the couch. 

" Yes, Fely?", she asked when she finished drinking a bottle of water. 

I chuckled, " Don't be scared of Damon. I will punch him for you, if he will do something that will make you feel like anxious, nervous and scared." 

Tessa's shocked reaction made me laugh. Damon on the other hand, looked at me confusingly, which I only raised my brow at him and gave him a ' follow my command look'. He shook his head and stand up to get a water for me. 

I am not injured but he cared for me like I'm some injured patient, who needed to be assists and  took good care of in everything. 

I glanced at Tessa again, and nodded my head at her. "It's true Tessa, just tell me when Damon will try to scare your ass. I will punished him, exclusively for you." I winked at her, which made her chuckled.

" Tss.. Your being a boss to me sweetie", Damon commented. 

" Of course! You need to follow what I've told you. Remember, that's my one favor for you." I pointed out, which made him silent.

It's already 8:10 in the evening, I convinced Damon many times to go home and change his clothes first. 

" Damon, I'm fine here. Tessa will be with me while you are out and sure thing she will take care of me. So, just please go home and change your clothes first", I convinced him again. 

I looked at Tessa to ask for her support. Fortunately, she understands what I'm pertaining to. She stood up and speak her thoughts.

" I agree to Fely sir, you can go home for a while. Don't worry I will take good care of her while you're not around.", Tessa also convinced Damon with her assuring words.

If not with my situation right now, I think Damon is already pissed off and will argue with me. But, right now, he's left with no choice.  He heaved a deep sigh as he rise up from my bed. 

" Okay, fine.  I will get back immediately", he hardly uttered. And looked at Tessa's direction.  " Don't leave her side, I trust you for this Tessa.", he seriously talked to Tessa. 

" Yes, sir!", Tessa stand up firmly and salute at him. Tessa is so cute, and I kind of adore her. 

Damon snapped his hand at me, when my attention was on Tessa. I directly looked at him in her brown eyes, and raised my eyebrows at him.

" I'll be back. Don't get out from this room.", he notified me. And gave me a quick kiss on my lips, and gently caressed my hair.

My cheeks is burning, I'm a bit shy, because Tessa had to witness our sweet and intimate moment with Damon. 

" Yeah. You can go now, and drive safely Damon.", I slightly pushed him away from me. But he only embraced me more with his warm hug. We stayed that way for a couple of minutes, before he let go off me.

" Bring me my clothes Damon, I don't want to wear this lab gown. It's making me feel sick.", I told him.

" Okay, duly noted. Good bye sweetie, I gotta go.", he kissed my lips once more before going out. 

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