

A few days later…

At the mansion…

Rex already accepted his fate with Cherry and her unpredictable mood swings which feels like an electric plug sparking in his head. He had most of his work moved into the mansion so he can be with Cherry in the last stage of her pregnancy. Cherry is nearing the ninth month of her pregnancy and he is not willing to miss anything. According to Kelly any time from now Cherry might give birth but no one is very certain when it will be with the contact on and off contractions wearing her out.

“Ric?.” He spoke through the phone.

“Bro! It’s a good thing you called me today.” Ric exclaim elated.

“What do you mean? Did something happen?.” Rex lean forward from the chair worried something happened to his friend his family.

“No, I just missed hearing your voice.” He says.

“Don’t be creepy Ric.” Rex cringes.

“Ha ha ha ha… I was just joking dude, so what’s up? How is your girl?” Ric asked curiously.

“My girl?” Rex asked confused.

“Come on, don’t act like you are i
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