

Angela's POV

"Good Morning, Angela and Kathleen! It's so nice to see you again!" Prince Cleoffe greeted us as soon as he saw Kathleen and me entered the company cafeteria. I covertly sighed as I followed Kathleen walked enthusiastically towards him. "Good Morning, Your Highness!"

I was surprised when his gaze found mine. "Good Morning, Angela."

"G-Good Morning."

I just want this to end immediately. I feel really awkward around him. "Please have a seat. I already ordered some food for us." Cleoffe said, he even pulled my chair as I sat on it. Kathleen gave me a meaningful look and I just shrugged.

"How's your job?" Cleoffe asked while we are eating, and it actually looks like he ordered every single food on the menu. 

 "Well, it's actually kind of hard, you know, it's really hard to clean the toilet and every single room here in a 30 story building. But at the same time, it's rewarding especially whenever people appreciate us like w

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