

Angela’s POV

I already knocked so many times on Lucifer’s door but he’s not opening it so I knocked again much louder than I did. “Lucifer?”

I turned the knob around only for me to find out that it’s actually open. I was about to open the door and go inside when it suddenly went open and Lucifer, who’s already dressed up appeared in front of me. My heart started beating so fast as I stared at his very handsome face. How can he manage to look more handsome each single day?

“G-Good Morning!” I greeted him enthusiastically but he didn’t show any excitement on his expressionless face. He was about to walk past me but I stopped him. “Where are you going?”

He stopped walking for a while. “Eat breakfast.” He plainly replied.

“But I already brought your breakfast here.” I said, showing him the tray of foods that I ordered from one of the restaurants. “Let’s have a breakfast inside your room.” He squinted at the foods on the tray that I was holding then

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