
Their Hate

The door swings open, and Kellan walks in with Beta William.

"We have a problem."

Darius groans. "Can it wait?"

"No, you need to see it now." William looks at us. "And Elara." He grabs a laptop and turns it.

It's me and Kellan. What is the issue? Wait, some of these video clips aren't meant to be released.

"Where did all this footage come from?" Darius looks at them.

"That isn't the issue. Look at the comments." Kellan sighs. I don't think I want to. Darius pulls the laptop to him and begins to look through it.

"Well, shit." He looks from it to Kellan.

"Just tell me, I'll handle it." I'll be fine.

"You're not the issue, Kellan is." Darius looks at him and turns the laptop to me. Sitting, I read through and feel sick. Surely this is wrong? I look between them.

"They want you to be Darius' Luna. Your followers do believe you should win, so seeing this video has made them react badly towards Kellan."

The comments are worrying. A lot are saying that Kellan has pulled me out of the contest
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