
Forty one



Funny how one month could seem like eternity. One month had passed since she left and her disappearance left a blank space in my soul that couldn't be filled up.

While I tried every bit of my best not to think about her, the very thought of this woman filled my mind day and night not departing.

Glenn took a lot with her when she had left, while my money had been the most minimal, she went away with my Sanity as well.

There was hardly a way I could think without having her in my every thought, despite this time all I wanted to do was feel her presence all around me one more time.

I gasped as I woke up suddenly, I took in air in quick succession as I turned off the alarm.

To think that my dreams weren't free from her torment?

I stood there awakened, I could feel my soul overwhelmed with both anxiety and animosity as I dragged my feet to the bathroom.

Turning on the faucet warm, I stood underneath in silence as the warm water drizzled down, sluicing my skin as though it would cure me of this madness that filled my mind at the moment.

As I got into a robe and walked out, my mind was filled with the question, where in hell was Glenn.

There was a heavy weight in my chest, that pulled right hard at it unpleasantly.

Just as I was walking out of the bathroom, my phone buzzed .

My heart skipped like it had for the past month. In a rather absurd way, my heart had been filled with the expectation that she would pick her phone and call me someday—I deserved that quite alright, I deserved to know where she was.

It turned out it was my secretary calling to remind me about my short trip and I groaned heavily at that .

I held on to the phone for a minute going through the pictures we had the last time we had out.

A smile crawled up on my face as I did, but it was quick to dissolve into a restless daze that filled up my soul with so much darkness.

For a minute, the thought that she could be with another crept through my mind with so much negativity, the mere thought that it could be true made me upset, as I shut my eyes hoping that all the feeling would just disappear as mist with a deep breath.

When I opened them, the feeling was still there. That anger, uncertainty that had been in my soul filled it way in so much that I could feel it deep in my skin.

The trust was that I wanted this woman like I hadn’t even known you could want anyone, the mere thought of the past we shared created a feeling in my heart as memories I relived the night fleeted through: The Long drive home that evening, opening the door and dashing around, the strange feeling that ran in my mind Leaving so much fear behind enough that I was scared.

Angry about the entire situation, I smashed my fist into the mirror.


Three hours later, I made my way out. Wrapped around my knuckles was a bandage from my earlier cut.

I made a stop at the facility to pick up Martha and gather the rest of the documents that would be used on the trip.

Soon as I walked in , my face met with Martha —Anyone that Knew her could tell what she was wearing at that moment most especially with the fact we are traveling together.

I glanced at her face and then paused, to take in the beauty, from her hair to her piercing eyes that stared at me with so much emotions as though staring into my soul and leaving me spellbound.


"Hi." She interrupts.

"I should have come a little earlier but then I woke up late, sorry for the delay. "

"No problem, can we get going. "She smiled shyly. Knowing I was watching her.

His eyes were filled with a certain female magnetism that it held me while I stood.

I wouldn't deny the fact that she was and perhaps I just needed to do my best and get to know her better . Hopefully, I would be able to transfer my attraction from Glenn to her.

She looked at me in the sweetest of ways. "Can we get going?" She asked.

"Sure, we can." I muttered as I led her out.

Aside from being so quick, the ride down time was quite absurd,the car was filled with silence as we drove past trees pulling up at a motel.

I could feel the heaviness from my heart even as we alighted and we walked out, in a way she took in the whole view of the surrounding, enjoying what it feels like to inhale the fresh non toxified air as she inhaled each crisp air with a smile on her face.

I looked around as well, as we both walked to the counter taking the room we booked.

"I am so certain I booked two room's." I was pissed as I explained to the girl at the counter looking confused.

"We have just one room left , it must had been a honest error "

I groaned loudly. "Why don't we just share a room?" Martha suggested.

"Well I don't want to inconvenience you."

"That is nonsense, let us focus on other things we take just one room."

Soon, we were pulling out bags along as we made our way down the hall to our room.

I could see the smile on her face that refused to depart even after walking in, I too was only then it to me that we'd be together for Three days but we had already come this far, and going back wasn't the option.

Her heels clack against the wooden floor as she walked in behind me, slowly making her way to the room.

"I need to get soda ." I muttered to her.

"You can get one for me too." She called after me.

I made my way down excited that she didn't suggest she'd come with me, it gave me more leverage to think about things.

"Where can I get soda?" I asked after checking the refrigerator at the counter.

"There is a hall just a stone throw from here." The receptionist answered.

Soon, I was at the door of the mall turning the handle of it's door slowly

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